Chapter 9

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.


He yelled as the blade of the sword glowed and transformed

Seeing the blade transform Kiba summoned a sword and attacked

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Seeing the blade transform Kiba summoned a sword and attacked.

(Y/n) blocked the attack and they both tried to push each other back. Well more like Kiba trying to push him back as (Y/n) held his massive sword in ONE hand and looking very, very, very, VERY unimpressed.

After a few seconds, he seemed to get bored so he pointed the sword at Kiba and the sword shoot out and hitting his shoulder. Kiba jumped back and when he looked up he saw that (Y/n) didn't thrust the sword forward but the sword extended and became a whip-like blade.

He retracted the blade and smirked while leaning the blade on his shoulder.

(Y/n): Is that all you got? Man, you're weaker than I thought.

He said right before lightning struck him, electrocuting him for a few seconds. When it stopped he turned and saw Akeno in her lightning priestess outfit.

 When it stopped he turned and saw Akeno in her lightning priestess outfit

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(Y/n): Wow, attacking me while I'm not looking? Shocker.

She attacked him again but he just opened his mouth and ate the lightning.

After he was done he prepared his own attack.


He sent a big ball of fire towards her. The attack hit and she fell to the ground unconscious with most of her clothes gone.

He turned back toward Kiba who was already running at you so he swung his sword causing it to extend again. Kiba caught off guard because he is a dumb shit hot slashed across the cheat with one of the spikes on the whip blade.

Sensing someone about to attack him from behind he brings Zabimaru over his shoulder and blocks a very small but VERY strong fist.

He turned the blade so that the spikes were facing Koneko and swung up causing the white-haired Devil to jump back.

He made the blade disappear and used another one of his many types of magics


He roared, transforming into the form he gained by absorbing the soul of his familiar.

Koneko's eyes widened, she had never seen this form before and because of certain events she was instantly afraid and backing off.

He started to slowly walk towards her with a sadistic smirk on his face.

But all he did was give hear a small sting on the leg just enough to paralyze her.

Then he appeared in front of Rias with a very angry expression on his face.

But instead of raising his tail, he rose his clawed hand preparing to give her a pretty nasty scar across her face.

But before he could he was hugged from behind. He looked back and saw Serafall Leviathan.

Serafall: (Y/n) don't. Please calm down.

She whispered sounding like she was on the verge of tears.

His eyes widened. Serafall Leviathan, crying. Not something he wanted to see. EVER! So he transformed back, turned around and hugged her.

(Y/n): I'm sorry. I'll stop. Just don't cry, you know I don't like the waterworks.

Serafall: Ok.

She said wrapping her arms around his neck and bringing him closer to her.

He looked at Rias one more time, glaring at her mind you and walked out of the room with Serafall still in his arms.
Timeskip: the next morning

They had fallen asleep in each other's arms the night before. Well, I say sleep but if you were in the house at the time you would be able to hear their "sleeping".

(Y/n) groaned and opened his eyes. He looked at Sera's sleeping face and smiled. She and Grayfia had been the only ones to be able to calm him down when he really got mad like he did last night. But luckily for Rias, she was there. If she wasn't, well.

But anyway, Serafall started to wake up. Opening those beautiful violet eyes, she looked at him, smiling and giving him a kiss which he happily returned.

Serafall: Good morning, (Y/n)!

She said in her usual cheerful voice. He grinned at her, causing her to see the fangs, which caused her to frown for a second before quickly returning to smiling so he wouldn't notice.

He did but kept quiet about it.

(Y/n): Good morning, beautiful.

He said before starting yet another make-out session with her.

But before things could go too far, the door opened and Grayfia walked in.

Grayfia: Good morni.....

She stopped mid-sentence when she saw them. Serafall started panicking. Although she was ok with sharing him, she wasn't sure Grayfia was. Even though Serafall didn't know that Grayfia knew a lot more than she thought.

(Y/n) grinned as he got an epic idea. Some people would call it a stupid one since he was going to say to the Strongest Queen but hey as they say.

FUCK IT!!!!!!

(Y/n): You wanna join?

Serafall's eyes widened and Grayfia's expression didn't change for a few seconds before she closed and locked the door and started to walk toward the bed as she started to take off her clothes.

Now while the three of them were having a ridiculous amount of fun, the other people weren't so happy. 'Why' I hear you asking. Well, THEY FORGOT TO PUT UP A SOUND BARRIER, AGAIN!!!

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