Chapter 28

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

Rias: That's Cerberus!?

Xenovia: It appears so.

But Kokabiel wasn't in such a good mood.

Kokabiel: Damn you! Freed!

Freed: Right here!

He jumped and grabbed a sword that was a combined Excalibur.

He jumped and grabbed a sword that was a combined Excalibur

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Slight Timeskip

Stuff happened.

Xenovia summoned a stronger sword called Durandal.

Orihime and Irina arrived a bit earlier with Orihime staying back as support and Irina using a holy ice sword that (Y/n) made her

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Orihime and Irina arrived a bit earlier with Orihime staying back as support and Irina using a holy ice sword that (Y/n) made her.

The combined Excalibur was destroyed and Freed beaten.

Valper was killed by Kokabiel, just before he could reveal a HUGE plot twist.

(Y/n) had chosen to return to his original form and watched as Issei's and Rias' attempt to attack Kokabiel failed miserably.

It was also revealed that Akeno was the daughter of a fallen angel but more on that later.

Issei had another speech about being a harem king and was currently powering up as Xenovia and Kiba attacked Kokabiel.

Kokabiel: Why fight so hard for a group of losers, who don't even know they've lost their master.

Xenovia: What?

(Y/n): Shit.

Xenovia: Kokabiel! Tell me what "lost their master" is spouse to mean!

Kokabiel: Whoops. That just slipped right out.

Xenovia: Answer me!

He started laughing while (Y/n) growled.

Kokabiel: I guess I am trying to start a war. There's no point in trying to hide it any longer. I might as well tell you the brutal truth. IN THE PREVIOUS THREE WAY WAR, GOD WAS ACTUALLY KILLED ALONG WITH THE 4 GREAT DEVIL KINGS!
One bullshit explanation later

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