Chapter 8

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

Rias: I want you to join my Peerage.

She said holding out her hand with the Evil Pieces, thinking that he won't say no to the offer.

He just looked at her with a blank expression for a few seconds, before looking down and she noticed that his shoulders started to shake.

In Rias' head, he was going to look up with teary eyes while jumping into her arms crying and begging her to let him join.

But in reality, he just started laughing. So hard in fact that he had to lean on the fence of the balcony so he didn't fall to the ground.

After 10 straight minutes of him laughing his ass off, he managed to calm down.

(Y/n): Wait, you're serious? Aren't you?

She nodded while her Peerage started to glare at him again.

(Y/n): And if I say no?

Rias: Why would you say no?

(Y/n): Why wouldn't I say no?

He said getting angry already. She really did have some nerve.

(Y/n): Ignoring the fact that I already have my own set of Evil Pieces, the main reason that I WON'T join your Peerage is. That. I. Don't. Like. You. Clear enough for ya?

She closed her eyes and sighed. Her Peerage ceased their glaring. Something was wrong. Usually, the pretty boy or the hybrid would start bitching with her by now but they didn't say even a word. Which meant that they were planning something really stupid.

Rias: Alright, I didn't want to do this. But you gave me no choice.

She said, pulling something else out of the purse. Some kind of potion.

(Y/n): The fuck is that?

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(Y/n): The fuck is that?

She didn't answer but instead threw the bottle at his feet and when it broke the liquid inside immediately turned into smoke.

After a few seconds..............nothing happened.

(Y/n): Was that gonna do something?

Almost immediately after those words left his mouth, three magic circles appeared. One under him, one to his left and one to his right.

After they appeared he fell to his knees and a chain came out of each circle and wrapping around his arms and neck, preventing him from moving.

Rias: Wow, it really worked. Now just stay still brother and it will be over before you know it.

She started walking towards him still holding the pawns.

He knew what she was going to do and it pissed him off. He looked at the magic circle before mentally asking his partner for help.

Acnologia: I have never seen this type of magic before. I can't dispel it.

His eyes widened. A type of magic that Acnologia, the GOD of the fucking Apocalypse DIDN'T know how to dispel a magic circle.

Then a thought came to mind. Acnologia has to see a spell to know the magic, a potion ain't gonna be enough.

(Y/n): Damn it!

He thought. He had to think fast because he sure as HELL ain't gonna become HER servant.

He looks at the circles around him and then it strikes him.

(Y/n): Those runes are angelic!

He thought, recognizing the symbols on the circles. This pissed him off even more. I mean, sure he and Michael don't get along very well but he didn't think he would go this far.

(Y/n): But that means that.......

He looked at the chains and just realized that they were made of light.

He smirked.

Rias kneeled down in front of him and inserted the pawns into his chest.

Rias: There was that so bad. Now let's go, mother and father will be so happy.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice him pull the chains on his arms and grab the one around his neck

Akeno: Maybe I will be able to have some fun with you too.

She said, licking her finger. Kiba and Koneko didn't say anything but gave an agreeing nod.

They were all so lost in their "victory" that they didn't notice him bite all three chains at the same time. This caused them to glow a bit brighter, losing their shape and he started eating the pure light.

The glow got their attention and they immediately fell in shock. He was EATING LIGHT.

When he was done he stood up and the magic circle shattered.

Rias: H-how did you do that?!

She asked in a panic. Her plan had failed.


He roared as he shot fire from his mouth at them. Akeno had snapped out of her shocked and jumped in front of the group and put up a magic shield to protect them put they were all pushed back through the door into the ballroom.

Everybody froze even the music stopped playing when they shot into the room. Efter a few seconds, they managed to get up and all of them, except Rias, got ready for a fight.

When (Y/n) walked through the hole in the wall and summoning a katana.

(Y/n): You crossed the line this time.

He said, spitting a big ball of green slime out of his mouth, that landed in front of Rias. I melted down and inside the slime were...............RIAS' PAWNS?!?

(Y/n): And now you must pay!

He said, putting his hand on the hilt and running his hand along the blade while shouting.


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