Chapter 27

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.
The abandoned church

(Y/n) landed next to the church, making sure that no human saw him but something was wrong.

He didn't hear the exorcists, neither did he smell them, not here anyway.

He turned his head towards the town and sniffed the air.

Since the three weren't from here, well at least two weren't and they were still carrying the two Excaliburs. Plus, it helped that he got a good grip on their sent since last night. Wow, that came out wrong.

He extended his wing again and flew towards their sent.
In town

He was flying above the town, looking for the three girls but what he saw almost made him fall to the ground.

They were standing on the main street, their hoods up and in short, they were begging for money.

He sighed but got an idea how to mess with them.

Xenovia: Oh blessings on the wandering sheep before us.

Irina: We are pitiful when compared to you...

She was interrupted by something grabbing both her and Xenovia's head.

A head came in between them but it was shadowed so they couldn't see who it was.

It opened its mouth far wider than humanly possible, then it let out an ear-piercing screech.

They jumped forward and grabbed their swords but Orihime didn't move.

They looked back and saw (Y/n) laughing his ass off as his cheeks, that had torn to allow him to open his mouth that far, were already starting to turn back to normal.

(Y/n): Man, you two are too easy.

Then they noticed that apart from them, (Y/n) and Orihime, every human and the three devils that were getting close, was frozen in time.

They looked and saw something weird about his eyes. 

(Y/n): What?

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(Y/n): What?

Xenovia: Nothing.

He unfroze time.

Issei: Hey, (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Yo.

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