Chapter 33

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

They followed them back to the ORC club room. Of fucking course.

(Y/n): Girls. Whatever happens, stay behind me.

He said, glaring that the door. They nodded and each of them stepped closer to him, Wendy even grabbing his hand.

Saji opened the door and they all walked in.

When (Y/n) walked in, he already saw a problem.

Rias was sitting at her desk with Akeno beside her, Issei and Asia were standing next to the window and Kiba and Koneko stood on each side of the door. They were surrounded.

They didn't say a thing for a few minutes and it started to get on (Y/n)'s nerves.

(Y/n): Well? You called us here and now you aren't going to say a thing.

Sona: Why are you here?

(Y/n): Because you called us here.

Sona: That is not what I meant!

(Y/n): I know.

Her peerage glared at him and all he did was give a dark smirk that made them take a step back.

(Y/n): I made a deal with Sirzechs. They get to attend this school and I have to protect your sorry asses.

Tsubaki: But that doesn't require you to attend the school as well.

(Y/n): While that is true, do you really think I'm going to trust Rias or you around them.

He could feel that Koneko and Kiba were slowly coming closer. Wendy saw this and hid between his back and stupidly long hair.

Rias: Oh, I didn't see you before. Hello. My name is Rias Gremory. And who might you be?

The Sky Maiden looked up at the Black Dragon. He sighed and nodded.

Wendy: My name is Wendy Marvell. It's nice to meet you, miss Rias.

Rias: "giggle" Oh my, you are just the cutest little thing ever! Why don't you come closer so I can get a better look at you?

She didn't. Instead, she hugged herself closer (Y/n).

(Y/n): Yeah, not happening. You just stay right there, sis.

He said, looking at Wendy for that last part.

Rias: "Sis"!?

Irina: Um, (Y/n).

He looked back and he noticed a sword and fingerless fighting gloves in the hands of Kiba and Koneko.

(Y/n): "groan" C'mon, seriously? Are we really about to do this again?

Rias: How can you call her "sis" but you refuse to even acknowledge that I'm your real sister.

(Y/n): Wendy has been more of a sister than you have ever been.

Rias: How can you say that?

She stood up.

Rias: I've done nothing but love you ever since we were kids!

(Y/n): You call, trying to make me your slave, love!? You know nothing of the word! Not you, not "mother" and not "father"! None of you know what it is like to love!

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