Chapter 23

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

It has been about 4 days since that day. (Y/n) had locked himself in his office, only coming out in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep, to eat and stuff.

He didn't tell them what happened, nor did he tell them what he was doing.

Raynare and Kalawarner attempted to get into his office but ended up walking face first into a barrier.

Currently, his peerage was in the orchard, spraying the Dragon Appels with, get this...........spit. Dragon spit. Turns out that dragon spit helps the plants to grow faster and end up having a better taste when they're picked. Weird, gross, eeeewwww.

Anyway, (Y/n) came out of a magic circle a few minutes later holding.......his king piece!?

(Y/n): Hello girls.

Erza: Master, is that...

(Y/n): Yes, it's my Evil piece. And I'm going to need yours.

Lucy: Why?

(Y/n): I'm returning them.

This shocked them. Returning them? But he was their master, so they didn't question it. They pulled out their pieces and gave them to him.

(Y/n): Now, I've spent the last couple of days trying to figure out how to reincarnate others into dragons and I think I have the solution.

He said, pulling out a small bag and gave it to Irene. She handed out, whatever was inside the bag, to the other girls and to the fallen ones, who showed up a few minutes before (Y/n).

At first, they didn't know what they were holding but after closely examining the objects, they discovered it was some kind of bone.

They looked at (Y/n), who rolled his eyes and pointed to the top of his head. So that meant, they were horns. He gave them his horns!

Mittelt: What are we supposed to do with these?

(Y/n): You're supposed to eat them.

They gave him disbelieving looks.

(Y/n): I'm not kidding.

His peerage didn't hesitate and downed the small pieces of bone.

After a few seconds, their wing burst from their back.

(Y/n) looked at the fallen angels, who gave defeated sigh and swallowed the horn pieces.

He nodded after seeing their new wings and started to walk away.

Juvia: Where are you going, master?

(Y/n): I have to return the pieces.

He said teleporting to the Lucifers location.
Devil territory

He arrived in Sirzechs' office but he wasn't there. He looked throughout the mansion and then he found a random maid. She told him that Sirzechs was visiting the Gremoryes.

(Y/n): Of course, he is. Thank you miss.

He said leaving.

He arrived at the Gremory house and was standing in front of the front door.

He sighed and went inside, he didn't bother knocking.

He walked around, following Sirzechs' sent until he stopped in front of a door.

He recognized it as the door that leads into the living room.

He sniffed again, smelling not only Sirzechs bit also Grayfia, Rias, her parents and her peerage.

He sighed again, before lifting his foot and kicking the door open, making all the attention go to him.

(Y/n): Knock knock.

The peerage got ready for a fight. Man, they never learn.

(Y/n): Chill, I'm here to give something to Sirzechs.

Sirzechs: Oh? What is it?

(Y/n) showed him the Evil Pieces. Everyone's eyes widened. Rias basically jumped from her seat and tried to take them. Keyword tried.

(Y/n): I said Sirzechs. These pieces will either be destroyed or go to Millicas.

Rias: Millicas!? He won't even need Evil Pieces for a few more years!

(Y/n): And you already have a set. Where is Millicas anyway?

He asked looking to Sirzechs, completely ignoring Grayfia.

Before he could answer, something jumped on (Y/n) back.

Millicas: Uncle (Y/n)!

He smiled. He reached back and grabbed the kid by the back of his shirt and putting him down in front of him.

He kneeled down to his height and gave him a hug.

(Y/n): Hey there, kid. It's been a while. Here, I have something for you.

He put the pieces in Millicas' small hands and chuckled when he saw his eyes glow.

Millicas: Really!? But I'm too young to have Evil Pieces.

Rias: My point exactly. He can't reincarnate anyone anyway. He would have to go to the human world for that.

(Y/n): Shut. Up.

He looked back to his nephew.

(Y/n): Listen. These pieces are yours and yours alone, ok? Don't let anyone else touch them.

Millicas: Alright.

(Y/n): Now, I have to go.

Millicas looked kinda disappointed.

Millicas: Already? Can't you stay a bit longer?

(Y/n): Not here, not now.

Millicas: Ok.

(Y/n) smiled and ruffled the kid's hair.

(Y/n): Don't worry. We will see each other soon.

He walked past Grayfia, still ignoring her as she fought back the tears, he teleported away.
(Y/n)'s home

He walked into his home, clearly mad since he slammed the door when he closed it.

Mirajane: Whats wrong, (Y/n)?

She asked in a gentle yet careful tone.

He didn't answer her, all he did was punch a hole in the nearest wall.

He then dropped to his knees and began to cry.

Seeing him cry shocked her, she and the other girls had known him for a long time and they have NEVER seen him cry.

She drooped to her knees next to him and hugged his head to her chest, trying her best to calm him down. He hugged her back and continued to cry.

Hearing the cry the other girls rushed to them.

Yukino: Whats wrong, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Grayfia, she betrayed me.

He calmed down, stood up and walked away.

Normally, male dragons would have multiple mates since the species is slowly dying out. But there were cases of the mates betraying them, its a lot worse when the first mate does the betraying. Normally the dragon would go into depression when that happened, well that or the dragon would go on a rampage. What will happen to this black sheep? We shall see.

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