Chapter 19

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NOTE: Any eembarrassedom Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.
The next mornin

(Y/n) woke up when the sun rays hit his face.

He looked down and saw that Irene was still next to him, sleeping on his chest. The problem was, they weren't alone.

His entire peerage had decided that they would sleep next to him. 

Luckily the bed was big enough. Now the real problem was that he couldn't move since he didn't want to wake them up.

Again, luckily magic is a thing that exists.

So he used a spell called Shadow walk. A simple spell really but it was useful.

He sank into the shadows, moving across the room, under his door, through the hallways and entered the kitchen, where he came out of the shadows.

He was about to start making breakfast but was stopped by a hissing noise.

He turned and saw his purple scaled familiar, Kinana.

(Y/n): Oh, hello Kinana. You're back a bit sooner than I thought you would be.

She was enveloped in a purple light as she transformed into her human form.

She was enveloped in a purple light as she transformed into her human form

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Kinana: Yeah. My last client canceled.

She wanted to help the other girls with their contracts and so (Y/n) gave her a few clients since Yukino and Xuelan were double-booked.

It was then he noticed something. She had her arms crossed, she was blushing and wasn't looking at him. He grinned, knowing what she wanted and that she was too embarrassed to ask him to do it.

Kinana: C-could you...

(Y/n): What?

He asked, acting stupid.

Kinana: Y-you know.

(Y/n): I really don't know what you're talking about.

She gave him a cute pout.

(Y/n): Your tits are sore, aren't they?

Her face went completely red as what looked like steam was coming from the top of her head.

Lemon, lime. I still don't know the fucking difference

Kinana was leaning on the counter, her face was red and she was moaning. The reason?

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