Chapter 10

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.
Timeskip: 4 hours later

(Y/n) left the room, letting the girls rest for a bit after their............thing that they did.

He was walking to his brother's office since they were going to go to the familiar forest. He didn't want to go at first but he still needs a familiar.
Lucifer's office

A knock at the door made Sirzechs look away from his paperwork.

Sirzechs: Come in.

He said before his younger brother walked through the door.

(Y/n): Good morning, brother.

Sirzechs: Good morning, (Y/n). You're here earlier than I thought you would be.

(Y/n): I just want to get this over with.

Sirzechs: Right.

He said before standing up and them teleporting to the forest of familiars.
Familiar forest

They came out of the magic circle in what seemed like a dark forest.

???: Hello there!

They turned and looked up. On a three they saw.........

the familiar master, Zatouji

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..........the familiar master, Zatouji.

Zatouji: Ah, Sirzechs! It's been a long time since I saw you here!

He said before jumping down and landing in front of them.

Sirzechs: So it has. But sadly I didn't come here for a visit.

Zatouji: Then why are you here?

He asked confused since he remembers helping the younger of the two find his familiar. A Manticore if he remembered correctly.

(Y/n): We came here to find me a new familiar.

He said bluntly.

Zatouji: But what happened to-

(Y/n): Kuro died!

The familiar master said nothing. A death of a familiar is one of the worst things that could happen to a young devil like (Y/n).

Zatouji: I'm sorry, I won't ask how or why. But while you're here do you know what you're looking for.

(Y/n): I will find something on my own.

He said before walking into the forest.

He walked for a couple of minutes before he hears a strange sound.

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