Chapter 16

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

It's been a couple of days since (Y/n) took the four fallen angels under his wing. And this time a lot of things were reviled to them.

One thing, they met his peerage, which I won't show you yet. Then the next thing was that he apparently was a leader of a fucking faction, the Dragon faction. The faction itself had less than a hundred members, that's why they never heard of it before, it was a really new one and was still growing.

Anyway, they were currently in a cave that looked like a mansion from the inside. You know, big ass rooms, a lot of floors that go underground, long ass always and expensive looking shit.

And the territory that they had was given to them by both Azazel and Sirzechs as a sign of peace.

And he explained that he was in fact married but he still refused to tell them who his wife is.

Right now it was about ten in the morning. Raynare, Kalawarner and Dohnaseek were in the kitchen where Flare was cooking breakfast since it was her turn, Mittelt was still asleep, the other members of (Y/n)'s peerage were out doing whatever they do on their contracts and (Y/n) was in his office talking with his brother over a magic circle phone thing.

Flare was just finished cooking breakfast and was carrying the plates to the fallen ones when.

(Y/n): SON OF A BITCH!!!

Flare jumped, almost dropping the plates but catching them with her hair.

Flare: (Y/n) is mad~

She sang out, showing her creepy side again, making the three feel a chill go up their spines. At that moment, Mittelt ran into the room, still wearing her PJ's.

Mittelt: What happened!?

Kalawarner: I don't know. But something tells me that we are about to find out.

She said but before anyone could reply the door almost flew off its hinges, as (Y/n) had kicked them open.

(Y/n): Mother fucking shit slipping ass smelling fuck buttering son of a donkeys asshole bullshi-

(Y/n): God dammit.

Raynare: What wrong?

(Y/n): I was just talking with Sirzechs. He said that I have to go to the human world to wait until the peace treaty.

Mittelt: And?

(Y/n): The location of the peace treaty and where Sirzechs told me to wait is Kouh. A town where Rias is attending school.

Everyone went pale. This is gonna be bad.

Dohnaseek: He does know that this is the stupidest idea ever, right?

(Y/n): Probably. Hopefully.

Flare: Master.

She said as she hugged him from behind. He turned his head and saw the worried expression on her face.

(Y/n): Don't worry Flare. I got Sirzechs to agree to me bringing my entire peerage with me. The others already know and will meet us there.

He looked at the fallen ones, ignoring the jealous looks the girls were giving Flare who was still clutching to her masters back.

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