Chapter 6

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

When they came back to the office (Y/n) had his hands together, clearly hiding his pieces and Ajuka was still wearing that shocked expression of his.

Rias: Why are you hiding them? We all know there is nothing special about them.

She said with a smug face, believing that her bro couldn't possibly have a Mutation piece since she got one and they are so god(ow)damn rare.

She saw him smirk before opening his hands and revealing the full set of Mutation Pieces. To say that everyone's jaws dropped to the ground would be an understatement.

Venelana: H-how is this possible?!

She asked. Everyone looked at Ajuka who had snapped out of his shock and shrugged.

Ajuka: Don't look at me. I'm just as surprised as you are.

Rias: This isn't fair.

She whispered.

Zeoticus: What did you say, sweetheart?

Rias: I said, THIS ISN'T FAIR! How come he gets a full set of Mutation Pieces. Especially after what he did today!

(Y/n) started to glare at her. Of course, she would start to bitch about him getting something better than her.

Zeoticus: You know what honey? Your right.

(Y/n): What?

He thought. He wouldn't take his Pieces away. He can't do that! Right?

Venelana: Yes, I agree.

She started walking towards her son.

Venelana: Give me the Pieces (Y/n).

(Y/n): What are you gonna do with them?

He asked worriedly, even though he could already guess the answer.

Venelana: We are going to trade your set with Rias'.

Zeoticus: Consider it punishment for what you've done today.

Venelana was standing right in front of him and was about to take the Pieces but before she could react (Y/n) closed his hands and jumped to the other side of the room.

(Y/n): NO!!! You always give her whatever she wants. Well, not this time these Evil Pieces are MINE not HERS!

Venelana: (Y/n), I said give me the Evil Pieces!

She snapped back, again trying to take the Pieces but stopped and took a step back as she saw him transform into his half Manticore form (what he transformed into in chapter 2), raising his tail, preparing to strike as he growled.

Sirzechs: (Y/n) calm down. They aren't going to take your pieces away.

Zeoticus: Like hell, we aren't! In fact, we aren't just going to take them away you aren't getting Rias' and for this little stunt you are pulling right now, you get to spend a month in the cage!

(Y/n) was frozen. If it was in anger or in fear.........hell he didn't even know. All he knew was that he sure as HELL wasn't gonna let that bitch have HIS pieces.

So he took the King and held it in front of his chest and absorbed it. This shocked his parents as they knew that the King Piece can't be removed.


And before they could react, he did something that they would NEVER expect ANYONE to do!


This enraged Venelana to the point of walking up to him and slapping him while her hand was swirling with the Power of Destruction. This left him with a really bloody cheek. And he countered by thrusting his tail at her and cutting her on the left cheek.

They both fell back with (Y/n) catching himself before he hid the ground and jumping behind Grayfia.

Zeoticus/Rias/Sirzechs: Venelana/Mother!

They yelled running to her side.


(Y/n): Nothing, she's just paralyzed.

He said looking away.

(Y/n): The venom will lose its effect in about an hour.

He said before teleporting away.

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