Chapter 11

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

Sirzechs and Zatouji have been waiting for about an hour and a half for (Y/n) to return when he suddenly emerged from the bushes in front of them with his cloak missing and holding two large leaves in each hand.

Sirzechs: What are yo-?

He was interrupted by (Y/n) slapping a leaf on both his and the familiar master's face.

(Y/n): Hold that there.

He said before turning back and disappearing into the forest for a couple of seconds before coming back out with Kinana, who was wearing his cloak know.

He had spent the last hour explaining to her where she was, who he was and what probably happened to her world. And after the waterworks stopped she had decided that she wanted to stay with him since, in her word "he makes her feel safe". So they agreed that since she has a snake form she would become his familiar.

Kinana: You know, I could have just turned back into a snake.

He facepalmed.

(Y/n): Right! Forgot about that.

And so she did but she was a lot smaller. Abou the size of a king cobra.

(Y/n) picked up his cloak and put it back on. After that, he turned to the older two devils.

(Y/n): Umm. You can put those away now.

He said. They did just that and looked at him and the purple snake beside him.

Sirzechs: Ah good, you found a familiar. But where did the girl I heard go?

(Y/n) and Kinana gave him a blank expression. Was he serious or is he just deaf?

(Y/n): She is right here. Beside me. Did you not hear a thing? I gave you the leaf to cover your eyes not your ears, brother.

He looked at the snake again.

(Y/n): Can we go now? We already completed the ritual and I have things to do back home.

Sirzechs: Alright, let's go.

He said with a smile. He started to walk to the magic circle with (Y/n) following him after Kinana had wrapped herself around his torso with her head just above his shoulder.

After they disappeared Zatouji thought to himself out loud.

Zatouji: Strange, in all my years being the familiar master I have never seen such a creature in this forest. Oh well, I'm sure nothing bad is going to happen!

He said before leaping onto a three and into the forest.
Lucifer's office

They came out of a magic circle inside Sirzechs' office. Kinana was looking around since she hasn't been here before and (Y/n) looked to his brother who was already sitting at his desk, ready to face his worst nemesis.


Sirzechs: Alright (Y/n), sadly I have to get some work done so could you please go to the Gremory manner without me?

(Y/n): "sigh" Ok. I'll call you if anything happens.

He said before leaving the room.

Kinana: Whatsss sso bad about you going to thisss Gremory manner alone?

She said in a slightly higher and "sss"-ier voice.

(Y/n): Well you see that's where the rest of my family lives and let's just say that I don't get along with them.

Kinana: Why?

(Y/n): It's complicated. I'll tell you some other time.

She nodded. They started some small talk along the way and he told her more about this world. Like about the three factions, sacred gears, Evil pieces and how his sacred gear can do and how he got it since he is a pure-blooded devil and not a human.

They eventually made it to the Gremory manner. Somewhere along the way, Kinana had fallen asleep and was hiding in his cloak from the cold since it was surprisingly cold here in hell and he was like a walking heater.

But when he arrived he was met with his parents and sister waiting for him outside the front door.

(Y/n): Hello mother, father, Rias.

He greeted them with a blank expression, he really didn't want to be here right now but Sirzechs said that they requested for him to visit.

Venelana: Hello son.

She said with a fake smile, she has started doing those again after the whole "accident with Millicas" blew over. Zeoticus only nodded and Rias didn't do anything but smile. Oh yeah, some shit is going down.

(Y/n): Is there a reason you requested for me?

Zeoticus: Is it so wrong for us to want to see our son?

(Y/n): You never wanted to before.

He said with narrow eyes. They were definitely planning something stupid.

After a few seconds of EXTREMELY painful and awkward silence, Venelana spoke up.

Venelana: Come, we wanted to show you something.

They started to walk towards the garden. During the walk, Kinana woke up and was about to poke her head out of the cloak but was stopped by (Y/n).

(Y/n): Stay hidden, for now, I feel like they're planning something.

He whispered just loud enough for the snake so hear.

They stopped at the farthest point from the house but they were still in the garden.

They told him to walk over to a bush that just so happens to corner him. If they think they're sneaky with leading him to a corner they are sooooooo wrong.

But he went along with it anyway. He stood there and something hit him in the back of the head. Something made of glass since it shattered instantly and a familiar smoke surrounded him.

(Y/n): Oh not this shit again!!!

He yelled in his head as dozens of magic circles surrounded him before chains burst out of each one.

Here he was again on his knees chains wrapped all around his body and was probably about to be made someone's servant.

He looked up to see which one of the shitheads threw the bottle at him but to his surprise the one who threw it wasn't one of them, hell it wasn't even a devil. It was the Seraph, Gabriel.

(Y/n): What?

Gabriel: I'm sorry child, but the power that you possess is far too dangerous to be left in your hands.

She said before looking at Rias and nodding, Rias nodded back and started walking towards her brother holding her pawn pieces.

He tried to do what he did last time but before he could bite the chains Gabriel and Venelana put a muffler over his mouth.

Rias stopped and went down on one knee and was about to put the pawn pieces into his chest.

His eyes widened he could move, he couldn't eat the light chains. He was trapped and was about to be made a servant of Rias Gremory. And there was nothing he could do about it.

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