Chapter 7

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.
Timeskip: 2 years

Things changed after that day. For one (Y/n) wasn't the pushover he was before. He stood up for himself a lot more, in fact, he had used the Manticore venom trick more times than he cared to count.

And another thing was that he got a lot bolder when he was around Grayfia. Like right now.

Currently, Grayfia was being pushed up against a wall by (Y/n) as they kissed wildly.

She had her arms around his neck as his hands roamed her back.

They went on for a few more minutes before Grayfia pulls away from the kiss.

Grayfia: Wait, stop. We can't do this here.

She said, slightly out of breath. Ever since that day 2 years ago, (Y/n) had embraced his dragon side, making him a lot stronger but also gave him a shit load of stamina. Which meant she had some trouble keeping up with him during there "training" sessions for the past four months.

(Y/n): C'mon Fia. Don't you want to have some "fun"?

He said with a smirk. She smiled a seductive smile while leaning up o his ears and whispering.

Grayfia: I would love to, but I'm working, you have somewhere to be and we are in a middle of the hall in the Gremory manor.

He looked around and saw that they were in fact in a hallway in the Gremory manor.

(Y/n): Fine, fine. I'll see you later.

He said, giving her one final kiss before teleporting away.
Devil gathering

He appeared in front of a large door and behind that door were the heirs and heiresses of the Devil houses.

He turned to his left before entering the room and saw himself in a mirror.

He really has changed in these 2 years. Fusing with his inner dragon completely had made him look like he was about 3 years older than he really was.

 Fusing with his inner dragon completely had made him look like he was about 3 years older than he really was

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Grayfia would have scolded him about how what he was wearing to an official gathering. I mean he wasn't even wearing a shirt and he wasn't wearing shoes. Not that you could tell because he had positioned his cloak so it was all around his body and it was dragging on the floor.

He shrugged before entering the room. As he thought the room was like a cactus, it was full of pricks.

After he entered the room the Devils inside were giving him dirty looks after seeing what he was wearing. He didn't care it wasn't like he came here for the gathering, he came here because his brother had asked him to come.

After a few minutes of walking, he still didn't find his brother but he bumped into the last person he wanted to tonight. Rias fucking Gremory.

Rias: Brother!

She said happily since she didn't expect him to show up. But before she could jump up and hug him he turned and walked away.

Her Peerage walker up behind her and all of the glared at her younger bro.

After a few MORE minutes he decides to go to one of the balconies. He didn't really like going to these parties. He had gone to a few in his life and every single time he was BORED.

But he could tell that he wasn't alone. He turned around and saw the Gremory Peerage.

(Y/n): What do you want Rias?

He asked already irritated.

Rias: Oh nothing much.

She said while reaching into a small purse that her Queen, Akeno handed her and out of it she pulled all of her pawns.

Rias: I want you to join my Peerage.

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