Chapter 35

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

Oh right SIDE NOTE: If I make really obvious references to other anime, that means that I probably have the idea for a story in my head. Flashback to one chapter ago.

Anyway enjoy!!!

They got back to the house.

(Y/n) immediately went back into his office while the other girls went about their own business.

The walk here was quite awkward since Kala thought it was a good idea to bring up the tasty white slime from before, even though the knew exactly what it was and who it came from. And yes, that pun was intentional.

He was currently going through the reports they Irene had sent him.

Before they left he ordered her to send him reports on anything out of the ordinary.

Anyway, he stopped reading when he felt something scaley on his leg.

He pushed away from the desk a little bit and looked down, where he saw the purple snake that was his seconds familiar, Kinana.

(Y/n): Yes. What is it, Ki?

Kinana: Sirzechs asked for you.

He raised an eyebrow.

What could he want right now?

He lowered his arm, allowing the snake to crawl up his arm.

(Y/n): Alright. Just don't tell me they I have to go back to the school for this meeting.

She looked away then back at him, with her head leaned forward slightly.

(Y/n): Aww, son of a bi-!
Timeskip with snake Kinana wrapped around a/an (Y/n) plush

The ORC clubroom.

Out of all the places for him to...

"inhale" breathe "exhale".

Ok. So.

Right now Issei was on his knees while the rest stood behind him and Rias sat on one of the sofas that were in front him.

Rias: Seriously. I swear I will never understand your perversion, Issei.

Akeno: It's not perverted. I think what he and Asia were doing was completely normal.

Before this shit stain of a moment, that I don't feel like explaining, could continue.

Sirzechs: This looks like a good time.

He and Grayfia appeared out of a silver magic circle.

Sirzechs: Is there some sort of event going on?

To say that they were surprised would be an understatement. I mean this is Lucifer, like the king of all Devils.

Issei, Koneko, Kiba and Akeno bowed while Asia just started in amazement.

Sirzechs: You must be Asia Argento.

Asia: Yes, sir. 

Sirzechs: I've been told that you're an excellent Bishop and that you're taking very good care of our Rias.

Asia: Really!? Wow!

Sirzechs: Don't be so nervous, my dear. I'm merely here to contact some private business matters.

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