Chapter 5

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anhiding/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

(Y/n) seeing the three older devils and the angry look on his father's face, started hiding behind Sirzechs and Grayfia.

Zeoticus: There you are you little shit!

Sirzechs: Father calm down.

He said, trying to calm their angry parents but it only angered Venelana more.

Venelana: Do you even know what he did?

She asked with narrowed eyes.

Sirzechs: Yes, I do. He told me everything.

Venelana: THEN HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM!? What he did put YOUR SON in serious danger!

Sirzechs: What he did was something me, Rias and even you failed to do. He thought Millicas how to bring out his power. Millicas losing control was no one's fault. And whatever injuries he had (Y/n) healed.

Zeoticus: Enough! We can discuss this later. Right now we have other things to do.

This left the three confused. What would be so important that Zeoticus would not use the excuse to punish (Y/n)?

Zeoticus: Ajuka said that he is ready to see them.
Ajuka's office

Ajuka Beelzebub, the creator of the Evil Pieces and the founder of the Rating Game, was sitting in his office waiting for the Gremory kids to arrive.

Just then a magic circle with the Gremory symbol appeared before him and out came Zeoticus, Venelana, Rias and (Y/n) but to his surprise standing between (Y/n) and the other three were Sirzechs and Grayfia, with her holding (Y/n) hand as he just l...

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Just then a magic circle with the Gremory symbol appeared before him and out came Zeoticus, Venelana, Rias and (Y/n) but to his surprise standing between (Y/n) and the other three were Sirzechs and Grayfia, with her holding (Y/n) hand as he just looks down at the ground.

Ajuka: Oh hello there. You arrived sooner than I expected. And why are you here Sirzechs? Not that I mind.

Sirzechs: I just wanted to see my younger siblings get their Evil Pieces.

That was a lie and Ajuka could tell, but he decided not to question him.

Ajuka: Alright then. So who is gonna be first?

Zeoticus/Venelana: Rias.

They said before anyone else could even open their mouths.

Ajuka: Okay. So would you please follow me, Miss Rias?

She nodded before following him out if the office. After a few minutes, they came back with Rias holding her new Evil Pieces. But one of her Bishops was different from the other pieces.

Ajuka: Congratulations, lord and lady Gremory. It seems that your daughter has obtained a Mutation Piece.

Everyone's eyes widened. A Mutation Piece is an extremely rare thing.

The first thing Rias did after seeing the shocked faces of her family was smirk and walk to her younger brother.

Rias: Do you see that brother. I bet that you won't get one of these. It's extremely rare to get one you know.

He gave her a blank look. Just how stupid does she think he is? A better question is just how smart does she think SHE is for knowing something that even the angels in Heaven know?

Ajuka: Alright, it's your turn now (Y/n).

He said with a smile. Trying to cheer up the kid since he could see that he was in a bad mood. Well now that he thought about it, he was always in a bad mood when his father and sister were with him.

(Y/n): Ok.

He said in a low voice as he let's go of Grayfia's hand and starts to follow the Devil King.

After about five minutes they stopped in front of a large door. They go in the room and first thing (Y/n) could see was that it was dark as SHIT!!!

In fact, the only source of light was a blue crystal ball in the center of the room.

Ajuka: Okay (Y/n). All you have to do is step next to the crystal and stick your arm out.

He nodded and did as instructed. After a few seconds, he felt a surge of power go through him and the next thing he knew he had his set of Evil Pieces in his hand, but something was very strange about them.


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