Chapter 2

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

He screamed in fear for his best friend. He got up and practically flew to the lifeless beast, shaking the cat gently not wanting to admit that the young manticore is gone.

(Y/n): C'mon buddy get up, please!

He said, eyes leaking with salty tears. Lost in denial, he didn't hear the 2 pairs of footsteps coming towards him.

But suddenly time seemed to stop. Snapping out of it, he looked around seeing that in fact time has stopped.

He continued to look around for what felt like hours until he started to feel the ground shaking. He turned and saw.


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???: Do you wish power?

(Y/n): W-what do...

???: Do you wish the power to save your friend?

The dragon interrupted him. The question made the blue haired boy widen his eyes. How would he save him, though he didn't want to admit it, he knew that Kuro is already dead. I mean he had a HOLE IN HIS CHEST!

???: If you wish it so, I can save the creature's soul.

(Y/n): H-how are you gonna do that, he is already d-dead.

???: I said his soul child, not his body. If you absorb his soul it will be saved.

(Y/n) wanted to ask a LOT more questions but he wasn't gonna let his best friend die.

(Y/n): Alright, what do I do?

Rias and  Zeoticus came to (Y/n) side. Rias instantly wrapping her arms around her younger brother and Zeoticus knelt down beside them.

Rias: Its okay brother, big sis is here.

What happened next shocked them both along with the servants that came into the garden after hearing the scream.

(Y/n) shoved Rias off of him hugged his decease familiar and bellowed.


A massive pillar of blue energy erupted from them blinding the people in the area and sending a wave of magic that was felt all the way in Heaven.
Lucifer's office

Sirzechs Lucifer looked away from his paperwork with wide eyes after feeling the wave, then looking at his "wife" Grayfia Lucifuge.

Sirzechs Lucifer looked away from his paperwork with wide eyes after feeling the wave, then looking at his "wife" Grayfia Lucifuge

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