Chapter 4

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

(Y/n) was looking behind him with wide eyes. His mother had just blown off his left arm.

Instincts taking over he jumped away from the other two and fell on one knee as soon as he landed, clenching the wound and trying with all of his strength to not scream in pain.

On the other end of the field, Venelana had just finished checking Millicas for injuries, who was still frozen in shock, finding none she looked in the direction of her son and glared at his back.

Back to (Y/n), he was still on one knee holding the bleeding stump of his left arm.

(Y/n): Son of a fuck, this fucking hurts!

He thought, holding the screams of pain inside his head.

Acnologia: What are you doing?

He asked his partner, talking like he is speaking to the biggest idiot in the world.

(Y/n): What does it look like I'm doing!? I'm trying to stop the bleeding!

Acnologia: Have you forgotten what I have been teaching you for the past year!? Breathe!

A "ding" noise went off inside (Y/n)'s head. He felt kinda stupid now.

He looked up at the sky of the underworld, opened his mouth and took in a really, really, REALLY big amount of air.

Venelana, who had her back to (Y/n) was lightly shaking her grandson, to get him out of his shock when the wind started to pick up HARD.

The change of weather snapped Millicas out of his shock and he and his grandmother looked towards the third Gremory.

They went wide-eyed. The wind was forming a fucking tornado above of (Y/n) but that wasn't what shocked them.


As he was doing that his arms started to regenerate. First the bone, then the flesh, then the skin and finally the tribal marks on this newly regenerated reappeared. After his arm fully healed he stopped inhaling and the tornado disappeared.

He stood up and walked past the other two looking at the ground the whole time.

Venelana: Where do you think you're going?

She asked with narrowed eyes. He turned to her to see her standing up and tightly holding Millicas.

He turned to her fully with his hair shadowing his eyes.

(Y/n): Why?

Venelana: Why what?

She snapped back.

(Y/n): Why did you attack me?

Venelana: Because you put Millicas in danger by "teaching" him to bring out his power! You know he's way too young to even try to learn something like that with the Power of Destruction!

She yelled. He looked up at her, glaring daggers at her. This made her step back.

(Y/n): Yet you never even said one word to Rias when she attempts to teach him what I just did.

He said, before walking away again, while she was really surprised. She didn't know he knew that. But he suddenly stopped, but he didn't look at her.

(Y/n): Father only acknowledges me when I do something wrong, Rias doesn't leave me alone because of her brocon bullshit and YOU. You ignore me altogether, only giving me those fake smiles acting like you care. Yet the only one that truly sees me as family is Sirzechs.

He stopped for a second before continued

(Y/n): That's why from now I want nothing to do with the Gremory family, excluding Sirzechs and Millicas.

He finished before using a magic circle to teleport away.
Lucifer's office

Sirzechs was in his office doing his paperwork with Grayfia standing beside him to make sure he doesn't slack off.

Suddenly a magic circle appeared in the middle of the room with (Y/n) coming out of it.

He was already crying, but what made them jump was the fact that his shirt was bloody and missing it's left sleeve.

Sirzechs, after seeing the blood dropped everything and running to his brother's side.

Sirzechs: (Y/n) what happened!?

He asked in alarm.

After the younger of the brothers calmed down he explained everything.

After hearing what happened Grayfia hugged (Y/n) to try and calm him down after he started to cry again.

While Sirzechs not believing him for a minute before one thing came to his mind.

Sirzechs: (Y/n) doesn't lie.

(Y/n): I don't want to stay here anymore brother. When mother tells father what happened...

He would punish him. Which for (Y/n) means he gets locked in a cage for about two weeks.

And because of Rias, he had experienced this kind of punishment way too many times.

Even though she always claims how much she loves him when he doesn't do or say something she wants, she will lie to their parents that he hit or pushed her or did something bad and the tease him while he was locked up.

And the only way for him to make her leave him alone at that time is to ignore her long enough or to transform and scare her away.

Sirzechs had to think fast. Knowing their mother she was already at the Gremory manor so that means that father would be here any minute now to take (Y/n) home to punish him.

Sirzech: (Y/n), how would you like to stay with uncle Azazel for while? Just until they calm down. Ok?

(Y/n): O-ok.

But before they could do anything, another magic circle formed in the room and out came an angry looking Zeoticus and Venelana along with a smug looking Rias.

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