Chapter 15

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

(Y/n): Bring it, bitch!

He said and immediately swung his sword behind him to block Kiba's attack.

He pushed him away and attacked. They kept blocking each other but Kiba was only keeping up because (Y/n) wasn't fighting seriously.

After a few seconds, they jumped away from each other. But then Kiba dropped his sword, seemingly for no reason.

Kiba: W-what?

Rias: Kiba, what are you doing!?

He looked at his master, still not having a clue about why his sword got so damn heavy all of a sudden.

(Y/n) chucked.

(Y/n): Don't blame him. Wabisuke doubles the weight of anything it cuts. Our swords clashed eight times. Do the math.

He said before charging at Kiba again, forcing him to make a new sword that was dropped a few seconds later.

This continued for a few minutes before Akeno had enough and fired a lightning bolt at (Y/n). But he saw it coming a mile away, so he grabbed Kiba by the face and used him as a meat shield.

After the attack stopped, he dropped the smoking Kiba, who was unconscious at this point.

(Y/n): Wow, I always thought that there were some sparks flying between the two of you.

He said with a smirk. This angered the three women of the Gremory group.

Koneko was about to punch him in the back but found herself not being able to move. She looked at her legs and saw that they had cuts on them.

She dropped down and looked up at (Y/n), who just kept smirking.

(Y/n): I did say "anything it cuts". That includes your legs.

He then turned to Akeno, who was charging up her lightning and fired it at him. He simply ate it.

Then he made the blade disappear and got into a stance that confused the others.

Then he made the blade disappear and got into a stance that confused the others

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(Ignore the lack of clothing)

(Y/n): Ice make: Prison!

A cage of ice appeared around Akeno.

(Y/n): There. Now don't go anywhere. I have to have a chat with your master.

He said walking towards Rias. He stopped right in front of her and looked down at her since she is a whole head shorter than him.

Rias: "sigh" Oh (Y/n), when are you going to get it through your thick head that you belong in my peerage?

(Y/n): When are you gonna get it through that brick wall you call a head that I have my own?

He then looked at Issei and walked next to him.

(Y/n): Don't worry so much. She's going to be fine. Now, I have some things I have to take care of. So, I'm out.

He said before teleporting away.

He appeared in Azazel's office where he found the four fallen ones from before. All of them were on their knees and were looking at the ground.

Raynare: B-but lord Azazel...

Azazel: I'm sorry, Raynare. But it's out of my hands now.

(Y/n): What's going on?

They all look at him, surprised since no one saw or sensed him arriving.

Azazel: Ah, (Y/n). I was just telling them their punishment.

(Y/n): Which is?

Azazel: They are banished from the Grigori.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened.

(Y/n): Isn't that a bit much? I know what they did was really, REALLY bad, but banishing them is a going a bit far.

Azazel: I agree but I can't do anything about it if I want the peace to occur.

(Y/n) seemed to be deep in thought before speaking again.

(Y/n): I understand that. But what if they joined my faction.

Kalawarner: You would do that for us? Even after what we did?

(Y/n): Why not? We have been friends ever since I left the underworld.

They all looked to Azazel. He sighed and said.

Azazel: Very well.

Mittelt jumped and wrapped her arms around (Y/n)'s neck.

Mittelt: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

She kept saying for a few minutes before realizing what she was doing. She let go and looked away while blushing.

Dohnaseek gave (Y/n) a nod, which he returned and Raynare and Kalawarner walked up to him and hugged him from both sides.

Raynare/Kalawarner: Thank you.

They whispered at the same time before kissing him on the lips one by one.

Azazel: And the harem continues to grow.

He said with a grin.

Azazel: Oh. Before I forget.

He said before pulling something from under his desk. It was a golden ring. A big golden ring.

(Y/n) eyes widened and before anyone could even blink, the ring was in his right hand.

(Y/n): Thanks.

He whispered before putting the ring on his arm. No, not his finger, his arm.

(Just to show where the ring is)

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(Just to show where the ring is)

Dohnaseek: That ring seems really important to you.

He said since (Y/n) was clutching the thing like it was the last bottle of water in the middle of the Sahara desert.

Mittelt: Yeah! What, is it a wedding ring or something?

She joked, causing the other two girls to giggle.

(Y/n): That's..........exactly what it is.

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