Chapter 31

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.
Next morning

(Y/n) woke up in his bed, the room still reeked from last nights "party".

Anyway, he got up and since he also smelled like sweat and sex, he took a nice and relaxing shower.

When he got out, he created a magic circle next to his ear and called his brother.

Apparently, (Y/n) had woken up first and since he was in a good mood, he decided to make breakfast.

He gained a dark smirk.

(Y/n): Alright. Here we go.

Albedo had just gotten out of the shower and was dressed in her usual dress.

She was about to open the door of her room but froze in place when she smelled something.

Albedo: N-no. It c-can't be.

She quickly stepped out of her room locking eyes with the rest of (Y/n) ex-peerage.

Jenny: You smell it, right?

Ultear: Of course we do!

Erza: But only one thing could smell like that.

They all rushed downstairs with panicked looks on their faces.

They were just about to enter the dining area when they all tripped over each other.

They all groaned in slight pain and looked up. Funny enough, Irene had to lift the front part of her ridiculously large witch hat so she could see.

(Y/n): Oh, good morning.

He said with a grin.

Their eyes turned to the table...........and they started drooling and has stars in their eyes.

At that moment, the rest of the Dragon Faction came down with Wendy having the same reaction as the other girls.

Why, you ask? Well.

(Stop at 0:15)

Flare: Master. How come you're cooking?

She said, wiping the drool from her lips as her hair slowly moved towards the table.

(Y/n): Well, I noticed that I woke up first, so I decided to make breakfast.

Mittelt: What's the big deal?

Meredy: You clearly haven't tasted his cooking yet.

She said as she was shaking in excitement.

They got up and sat at the table.

(Y/n): Alright, eat up.

He said, sitting down as they all started eating.

The fallen and the church trio didn't begin yet. They just stared at their spoons, trying to figure out what was so special about (Y/n) cooking.

Lisanna: What are you waiting for? It's really good!

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