Chapter 26

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NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

It was still nighttime, (Y/n) still had about 6 hours until he had to meet with the exorcist and he couldn't sleep, so he decided to meditate.

He was on a random tree in his meditating position, his tribal marks glowing blue and he had his eyes closed.

In his inner world, he as walking through a jungle. None of the spirits showed themselves yet but he had a good idea who he was going to find here.

And, as if on cue, two figures jumped down from a tree. One tall and one short, seemingly tied together by a chain. Saru and Hebi or as they are known together, Zabimaru.

 Saru and Hebi or as they are known together, Zabimaru

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(Y/n): Hello there Saru, Hebi.

Zabimaru: Hey there, boss.

They said at the same time, Saru in a calm but happy tone while Hebi in an energetic and childlike tone.

(Y/n): How have you two been? We haven't talked in a while.

Saru: We're good. It's been a bit boring with the others not wanting to do anything and...

She was interrupted by her counterpart.

Hebi: Did that bitch do something to you again?

Saru: Hebi!

Hebi: What? Why else would it be raining?

(Y/n) sighed and focused on calming himself when he felt a drop of water drop on his head.

(Y/n): No. For once, she is not the main reason for the rain. But before you ask, I don't want to talk about it.

Hebi: Ok.

He said looking down, knowing that he put his master in a bad mood. But it was then he heard a strange noise coming from (Y/n)'s cloak.

(Y/n): On a lighter note, I brought you something.

He said pulling a small creature from his cloak.

The frog stood in his hand for a second before jumping away, Hebi right behind it but was stopped since the chain was still attached to him

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The frog stood in his hand for a second before jumping away, Hebi right behind it but was stopped since the chain was still attached to him.

Saru: You idiot! I will never understand your obsession with frogs.

She said as she detached the chain and wrapping it around her leg.

Hebi: Well, I will never understand why you stare at your fat ass in the mirror whenever you and the other girls talk about (Y/n)!

He said, smacking her on the bottom, making her stumble forward and running away after the frog.


She roared after him but stopped and looked at (Y/n) who gave her a look.

She roared after him but stopped and looked at (Y/n) who gave her a look

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She blushed HARD. Something that was very rare for her. But she quickly shook her head and composed herself.

Saru: So what happened?

He lost the smug look and frowned.

(Y/n): I thought I said that I didn't want to talk about it.

Saru: C'mon, I want to help you but I can't do that if you don't tell me what's wrong.

She said, getting closer to him.

(Y/n): Don't.

He looked away but she stepped closer.

Saru: Please (Y/n). I know that we aren't as close as you are with the other girls but that doesn't mean we can't be.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him close. He hugged back but could already fell his emotions getting the better of him.

He pulled away slightly and coupled her chin with his thumb and pointer finger. They looked deeply into each other's eyes, slowly started to lean forward and kissed.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her ass a quick squeeze, making her moan into the kiss.

This continued for a couple of minutes before they had to break the kiss for air.

They were panting still looking into each other's eyes with their foreheads touching.

He reached up and started to stroke her ankle-length light allow hair while she did the same with his long blue hair.

They were about to continue but he got another flash of memory.

He pulled away but she leaned in closer. He growled, showing his teeth before he grabbed her shoulders and threw her to the ground.

He got on top of her and slammed his hand next to her head hard enough to crack the ground as he glared at her. He realized what he just did, making his eyes widen.

He stood up and started to back up.

(Y/n): I-i'm sorry.

The rain started to pour down.

He fell to his knees as he clutched his head, tears started to run down his face.

Seeing this, Saru got up immediately and ran to his side.

She kneeled down next to him and hugged his head into her large bust.

Saru: It's alright. I won't ask about it anymore.

The rain started to stop. He stood up and helped her up as well.

She put a hand on his cheek and whipped the tears away, he leaned in close and kissed her again.

(Y/n): Thank you. I promise that I will explain everything when I settle my problems.

She nodded.

(Y/n): I have to go now. I'll see you later.

They kissed one more time before he disappeared and woke up in the real world.

He stood up and stretched his body. By the position of the sun, he could tell that it was already morning.

(Y/n): Beter meet up with the exorcists.

He said, extending his wing and flying towards the church.

Soon, the time will come for this dragon to rid this world of another shit stain.

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