Love at First Sight?!?! (Chapter 10 part 1)

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Love at First Sight?!?! Yah, you keep telling yourself that.




"Soon Abigail won't have anything to give him, I still have money." I muttered out as Kelly grinned. I just laughed.


[Oka well not really a shout out today but I'm going to say some other stuff. 1] Well as I have posted a few weeks ago I might be getting my book (Sunrise & Sunset) published (reediting it though) I was hoping maybe you guys could check it out. Okay well if not I'm fine with that. 2) Well I am going to dedicate this chapter to my Uncle. There is a summary of him below. Well I must be off. Enjoy this part! Okay well bye bye!]

~~~~~Christian K. died March 30th 2009, at age 36 of Cancer, to be technical Liver Cancer that spread to the Brain. He was a lively man that was born with a Kidney that didn't work. My grandma, bless her, gave him on of her kidneys. He has always been sick. Though that did not stop him from being alive. He didn't lie in bed and wait to die, he had adventures. He never finished went to college, he actually never finished High school. After he dropped out of High school he moved up into the California Mountains and worked as a bartender at a ski resort. He always has a dream in the back of his mind, to become an actor. While he was in California he got a job as a background character for a show: Boston Public. While in Hollywood he got the honor to have a conversation with the director of Kill Bill. He was hoping that maybe one day he would become an actor for a movie or a TV show. Though that dream would never come true. A few years later while at home he got sick, an effect of a medicine that helped him, the cancer started in his liver quickly. Then before we knew it the Cancer spread to his brain. He laid in bed waiting to die. He couldn't talk, he couldn't eat, he couldn't do anything. He was lifeless. Then my mother, my sisters, and I visited him. Said out Goodbye, he wasn't going to live long and we all knew it. The next day I was at school he died. 9:45 his life left this earth. I was told nearly 6 hours later as I arrived home a busy school day. He was gone and I had just saw him the day before. Fighting trying to live. My uncle had fought many battles being born sick. Though this was his last battle, his last stand, his last chance to take a stand. He was a Man who was born with something the doctors though would surely kill him he fought through it, shooting for the stars. Though he never made it to the moon he will always be a man I think about every time I type a story. He was the best Uncle anyone could ask for. Christian K. died March 30th 2009. ~~~~~~~~~

~Abi's P.O.V~

It was very quiet in the car, very quiet. Right now Jared and I were driving to my parents house. Right now we were so close, maybe 5 minutes away.

"So is there anything you would like to warn me about your parents?" Jared asked me as he turned into the neighborhood that my parents lived in.

"Well my dad is a little overprotective my mom is well sarcastic, and my brother..." I began but Jared cut me off.

"Your brother is coming too?" Jared asked. I nodded my head.

"His name s Ryan, he is awesome." I said as I smiled.

"So, anything else?" He asked. I thought about it.

"Well my parents also have a dog named Adi." I said. Jared just laughed.

"A dog?" He asked. I just laughed.

"A huge dog." I corrected. He shook his head at me.

"Great." He said as he pulled into my parents driveway. We both got out and grabbed out suitcase as I looked at my home the huge brown house I had grown up in. My Dad's Mitsubishi Eclipse was right next to Jared jeep. My mom's Truck was probably in the garage.

"Come on they won't bite." I said as I began to walk up to the door, Jared right behind me. The house looked empty, it better not be. When we both got up to the door I knocked. I could hear a lot of talking, well someone's home. Suddenly the door opened revealing my mom's red hair.

"Oh Abi!" She said as she hugged me, suddenly Adi ran out. Her log brown tail wagging very quickly. Adi was a Chesapeak Bay Retriever, dead grass color. (Author's note- I actually have a Chessie & her name is Adi she is huge! That is all)

"Hey Adi." I said as my mom let go of me.

"Come in Come it." My mom said as Adi walked right up to Jared and sat in front of him blocking his way.

"Come on Adi & Jared." I said as Adi got up and walked in Jared following her.

"So you must be Jared." My mom said t Jared.

"Welcome to our, well my house." My mom said as she put our suitcases by the stairs.

"Hey mom where's dad & Ryan?" I asked as I followed my mom, I could hear Jared right behind me.

"Oh your dad is picking Ryan up from the Airport, you know who Ryan is about driving." My mom said as we walked into the kitchen. I loved this kitchen it was huge. It had a double door fridge, a breakfast bar, two ovens, and everything else. I sat on one of the stools on the breakfast bar, Jared sat next to me as my mom went back to making something for dinner.

"Oh your dad is picking Ryan up from the Airport, you know who Ryan is about driving." My mom said as we walked into the kitchen. I loved this kitchen it was huge. It had a double door fridge, a breakfast bar, two ovens, and everything else. I sat on one of the stools on the breakfast bar, Jared sat next to me as my mo went back to making something for dinner.

"So will they be home soon?" I asked. One of my hands was lying on my leg, I could feel Jared take my hand.

"Yah they should be home before dinner." My mom said as she turned back around to Jared and I. She looked at us for a second then she turned back around as if she has seen this sight before. It was silent except for the simmering of the food. Then the sound of a door opening it ended that.

"Gabby I'm home!" My dad called out as I looked over towards the door. I couldn't wait to see my dad.


So well hope you like it.


Now I should go enjoy a few more days of no typing

Well I Got to Go

<3 Emmie

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