Chapter 17 One Way

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So I was eating Spaghetti when IT all happened.......




"Warning." She smiled. Then she shut the door. STUPID MOUTH! Damn


Then Next morning I woke up at a descent time. I got dressed into something nice and comfy then I sat in my room for a while just relaxing and daydreaming.

I was daydreaming about what school was going to be like & what was going to happen to Erik. Then I was daydreaming about college for me. It seemed so far away and yet it really wasn't. Then an idea came up that in a way kind of scared me. What's going to happen to Drake and I after he leaves. I wish I knew what, but I won't know till it comes. 

I sighed as I sat up on my bed. Today is a beautiful day; I should enjoy it as much as I can. I walked out of my room and I went outside onto my deck. I laid down letting the sun fall onto my body. It felt so nice. Soon I would have to go to the store and get school supplies, school clothes, and so much other stupid stuff! Grrrr!

"Hey." I opened my eyes to see Drake. I smiled.

"Hey." I said as I sat up. He smiled at me I rolled my eyes then I leaned over and I gave him a kiss. He just smiled.

"It's a wonderful day isn't it." Drake said as he looked out at the sky. I looked there too and sighed.

"Sure is." I replied as I ran my hand through my hair. Drake smiled as he put his arm around me. We sat there for a while enjoying the day.

"Hey you want to go for a walk?" I asked Drake.

"Sure why not." He said as we both stood up. We walked to the front of my house then down the road towards this park, Julius Jones Park. It's actually right next to Lilly's house. When we got there I spotted Freddy and Lilly on Lilly's porch talking and doing what they do best. Lilly saw us and she jumped up and waved. I waved back. We all meet up at Lilly's gate. Lilly and I began to talk then the boys started talking and it ended up with all of us in Lilly's house. The boys were playing COD or Halo. I don't really remember the game; I wasn't really focused on that. Lilly and I were in her room.

"So what you and Drake going to do when he leaves?" Lilly asked as she plopped down on the floor. I laid down on it.

"I have no idea. How about you?" I asked as I looked at Lilly.

"Well Freddy and I are going to email each other then during vacations he will come on up and visit." Lilly said as she smiled and laid down next to me.

"That's nice." I muttered as I looked at the ceiling.

"This has been the best summer of my life, How about you Blaine?" Lilly asked as she smiled.

"Yah I think it is." I replied as I sat up.

"I can't believe we only have 2 more weeks." I said as I frowned. Lilly nodded her head.

"It sucks." Lilly hissed as she crossed her arms.

"Just start liking boys and they have to go." I groaned as I closed my eyes.

"I wish they could just stay." Lilly said as she sat back up. She brought her knees up to her chest. I sat up next to her.

"I know Lilly." I said as I put my arm around her. She was sad, but who wasn't. After a bit more of talking Drake and I left and with that we walked back home. We got in and sat snuggled on the couch. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Drake and I both got up and went to the door. We opened the door and Drake's jaw dropped. There stood a man with pitch black hair, black eyes. He was very tall and thin, he looked pretty young too.

"Dad?"Drake said loudly. Wait Dad?!

"Yes Drake and........"

"Blaine." I said. He nodded his head. Drake didn't speak.

'Time to go." He said as he turned around.

"What?"Drake asked loudly as he stood there.

"Here I'll give you 5 minutes. But we need to go." He walked off to a black car that sat in my driveway. It was silent. WHY THE FUCK NOW!? WHY!? Drake turned to me, as I turned to him.

"I have to go." He muttered.

"Drake this is not going to work, at all." I muttered as I looked at the ground. It was silent again.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Drake asked. I took a big gulp, trying to keep it together. This was it.

"That's Right. I don't love you or need you. Leave NOW!" I yelled.

"Well I guess this is how it ends, right. You go with your life as if you never meet me. Have fun with your life." He yelled as he slammed the door and left. I stood there standing. That was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Lie. I knew this wasn't going to work; I just wanted to help the load off with Drake. It would be easier for him to leave if he was mad at me. I listened as I could hear the tires of the car screech. They drove off away from here.

"Goodbye Drake." I muttered as I sank to the floor and cried.


Ohh. Yah that just happened.

Bye Bye Drake! *Waves*

Okay hello everyone, sad ending. Sorry. Well I'm just going to tell you 2 more chapters (including the epilogue) left. 2 MORE!

Ahhh! I'm going to leave a shorter message. So Question time: Favorite Place to vacation? I like Colorado personally.

Well I got to go. Love you guys.

*Internet Hug*


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