Chapter 2 Birthday

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So We were eating Halloween Candy when SHE came......




"Happy Birthday Blaine." Drake said as I fell asleep.


So today is my birthday and I get to spend all day of it with Drake! Hooray! I opened my eyes to my warm bed, ah I love my bed. I sat up and Drake wasn't here. Okay, he better have not run out on me. Or hell shall rain down on him. I sat up and I realized I was still in my Halloween costume. I yawned as I jumped out of my bed. Today was Saturday, oh how I love the! I walked into my closet to pick out clothes for the day. I picked out some skinnies, some converse, and a long red sweater I had gotten at Aero. I got my Halloween costume off then there was a knock at the door. Okay I was only in my fricken underwear & bra.

"Blaine Breakfast." Drake said as the door creaked opened. I shut it.

"I'm changing." I yelled as I slide on my jeans.

"Doesn't that give me a greater reason to come in?" Drake yelled happily. Boys. Horny Boys. Sigh.

"You can come in, in a second." I yelled as I slide on the sweater. I backed away from the door and it opened.

"It's been a second....damn it you're dressed." Drake frowned as he leaned against the door. I just smiled as I walked by him, quickly giving him a kiss on the cheek then walking into the bathroom to get some makeup on. He followed.

"So what's for Breakfast?" I asked as I put on some lip gloss.

"Surprise." Drake smiled. I playfully glared at him through the mirror. He just smiled back.

"You know I don't like surprise, unless I am the one surprising." I giggled as I put on some light eye shadow. Drake was leaning against the wall tapping his foot.

"Okay that's enough makeup!" Drake yelled as he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the bathroom. He dragged me all the way downstairs. Then he sat me down at the table. I just rolled my eyes.

"Okay Drake, what's the surprise?" I asked as I smiled at him. He brought out a plate that had eggs on it. I smiled as he gave them to me, then he handed me a small wrapped box the size of a fist.

"Happy Birthday!" He said as he brought up a chair and sat next to me. I smiled at him. How sweet. I took the wrapped present first. It was wrapped in red and white star wrapping paper, with a huge green bow on it. It was nicely wrapped I have to say. I carefully took off the bow then I used all my strength to make sure I didn't rip the paper, I don't know why.

"Oh come on open it!" Drake yelled. I just smiled as I took off the last bit of paper, it was a box. I was a little scared. I opened the box and there was a beautiful necklace. It was very simple yet very beautiful. It had a Ivory colored pearl in the center, then two white pearls around it, and then two small gold gems around them. It was beautiful.

'Oh Drake it's beautiful!" I yelled as I hugged him. He smiled.

"Here let's put it on." Drake said as I let go of him. He got out of his chair and went behind me. He put it on me. Then he leaned it and got very close to my ear. Oh god.....*Sigh*.

"I like it on you." He whispered. I smiled.

"I'm not hungry right now." I smiled as Drake kissed me on the cheek.

"That's good, I don't think I cooked the eggs right any way." Drake laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Here let's go outside and enjoy our candy." I suggested as I stood up. Drake put his arm around me, as he grabbed something that was under his chair, our candy. I just smiled.

"Fine by me." He said as we both walked out onto my stoop. We sat there eating candy enjoying the sun when the girl was walking down the street. She was something all right. She was average size, long curly black hair, sunglasses, skinnies, a low cut tow, and what boys would say 'a killer body'. She was passing by my house, then she stopped at looked at us.

"Drake?" She yelled as she slide of her sunglasses revealing a pair of silver eyes.

"Scarlet?" (gigi2sparkle) Drake said. Who the Hell is Scarlet?


Hey guys, having a good day? Well I hope you are.

So another new chapter of Halloween Candy. Oh and I have a question.

Do you want H.C to be with Spaghetti (story group wise), or have its own story group?

Now for my Question of the Day: Favorite Disney Movie (if you have any)?

I like Beauty & the Beast and Tangled (which I saw today)

Well I got to go.

*Internet Hug*


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