Love at First Sight?!?! (6 part 3)

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Love at First Sight?!?! Yah, you keep telling yourself that.




"I guess it's when you called my beautiful earlier. " I muttered as Jared smiled at me.


[Shout out time!! Woot-Woot! Okay I just met this wonderful person named BleedingPages! Oh guys please check out her story!! It is fab (I have never used a lot of text lingo, so to me I sound very stupid at the moment). Oh and this is the final part for chapter 6, I can't make chapter 6 last longer. Well continue on with the story!]

~Abigail's P.O.V~

After that one thing I said our talking slowed down quickly, it went more to normal talk, instead of our stupid little asking game. I have to say though it was so funny! My food was yummy. It was more yummy-in-my-tummy kind of yummy. After we finished Jared paid for the bill and we walked outside into the cool night.

"This has been a wonderful evening." I muttered to Jared as we both began to head back to my dorm, oh god Cara. What fun that'll be.

"Yah it was." Jared agreed. It was beautiful outside. All the stars where showing and there was not a cloud in the sky. Amazing just amazing.

[Okay for my lucky winner of the secret contest -you know who you are- this is the part you got, but I reedited it and changed it a bit, but it is basically still the same.]

" I was thinking maybe you wanted to come to my first football game tomorrow? Cara and Sam are going, or that's what Charles told me. You know, yah." Jared muttered out as he looked up at me. I smiled, ohh he's as shy as I!

"Jared I would love to." I said as we both stopped walking for a second. I let out a nice sigh, today had been almost perfect. You know. But this date, wow, it was amazing. Suddenly there was a deep bellowing sound from the sky. Just as Jared and I looked up at the sky it began to pour.

"Come on Abi!" Jared yelled as he grabbed my hand and we both ran towards my dorm. Both of our laughing echoed the empty outside world. As we ran the puddles splashed up on us, but still we laughed. Finally though we got right under part of the roof that stretched out a bit, making a dry spot. We continued to laugh for a few more seconds, and Jared still hasn't let go of my hand. But after a while the laughing stopped.

"Well I better go." Jared said as he let go of my hand. I smiled at him looking down at his hand letting go of mine, then back to his eyes. He smiled at me as the world grew silent.

"Goodbye Jared." I mumbled out as I smiled. Suddenly before I could think anything he leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on my check. I was stunned, I wouldn't of noticed it if it wasn't for the hot touch to my skin. Then he ran off, but not before yelling something.

"Bye Abi." He yelled as he disappeared into the rain. I stood there for a few seconds trying to take everything in. Jared has just kissed me, kind of. I smiled as I took a deep breath.

'You're in love.'

'Wait.....who are you?'

'I'm your mind.'

'oh, well hi.'

'yah hi. Anyway you're in love with Jared!'

'No I'm not......maybe I am. What's it to you?'

'I'm your mind remember! I need to know anything and everything! God!'

'Lordy Maud. Take a chill pill. I just I don't know.'

'Come on Abi, you like him. It's no secret. No secret at all.'

'I sucks!'

'How so?'

'I am not sure, I mean I want to get to know him more before I make a decision.'

'Make your decision fast! Oh and I better be the first to know!'

'Yes of course. Well I better go; Cara is going to straggle the truth out of me.'

'Have fun.'

'Oh I will.'

I let out a sigh, that was new. Well time to go face Cara. Oh fun! Please note the sarcasm. I walked inside still drenched. Just as I walked through my dorm I was tackled to the ground my Cara.

"Why are you wet? How was it? What did you say? Does he like you? Come on TELL ME EVERYTHING!" She yelled. I Swear I saw Satan's image in her eyes and her last sentence I think I heard his voice too.

"Cara get off of me!" I yelled as I glared at her. Cara laughed as she jumped off of me. I got off of the ground.

"Okay question one why are you wet?" Cara asked as Sam walked out of the corner where she had been the whole entire time, scared to death.

"It was raining?" I said. Wow, she must have been waiting for my return.

"Question two How was it?" Cara asked as if she was a serious investigator. I really need to set some boundaries with her and dates.

"Fine.....' I muttered as I sat on my bed.

"Wait is this what you wore?" Cara asked as she crossed her arms. I was about to say something, but I thought it would be better not to. So I just nodded her head.

"You should have worn some high heels and a little black dress. Next date that's what you are wearing!" Cara demanded as she smiled evilly. This is going to be so fun.

"Let's continue on with the questions so I can go to bed!" I mumbled angrily as Cara laughed. Sam just crawled into bed, like a good girl should.

"Okay what did you guys talk about?" Cara asked as she smiled at me. I hate this. I bet my mom never had to go through this.

"Not telling." I said as I laughed. Cara frowned and glared at me.

"Okay last question does he like you?" Cara asked as she smiled at me, like she knew a big secret.

"Well he asked me out for another type of date." I began but Cara cut me off.

"Where? When? How?" She yelled as she grabbed my shirt. She began to shake me.

"Cara Stop it!" I yelled as she stopped shaking me and smiled. She let go of my shirt and took a step away from me.

"Sorry." She said as she let out a quick breath.

"Tomorrow, football game, and he just asked right before he........." I was about to say kiss, but that would be Hell is I told Cara that.

"Before what?" Cara asked as she picked up her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked a little afraid.

"Blackmailing you why?" Cara said as she smiled.

"How could you blackmail me ?" I asked, though I truly didn't want to know.

"You know I could Patrick and tell him you like him, then call Jared and tell him you like Patrick...." Cara said as if she was still thinking about it. OH no!

"Okay okay I'll tell you!" I said in defeat as Cara shut her phone and smiled showing her victory.

"He kissed me....On the cheek!"I yelled the last part so she would get it right. Cara's smile grew two sizes that day (Yes I took that from the Grinch).

"Oh my god! You will tell me about this tomorrow." Cara said as she jumped got into her bed and got under the covers.

"Goodnight Cara." I muttered as I went into the closet and I put my pajamas on. Then I slide into bed thinking about Jared's kiss.


Okay well here is the next chapter.

Please tell me what you think & vote.

Again Thank you all.

I love you all, in a Wattpad know.

<3 Emmie

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