Sneak Peek - Chapter 11

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Spaghetti Sneak Peek - Chapter 11

~~~~~Somewhere in the middle of the chapter~~~~~

"You really want to hear MY sob story?" Drake asked me. He was in shock, yet his face still held a cocky grin. I rolled my eyes. Drake began to chuckle as I just looked at him. Hey I really wanted to know they truth. He looked back at me and instantly he closed his mouth.

"Okay so basically my mom died when she was pregnant with my younger sister Victoria. She died, end of story." Drake said as he shrugged. Indifference. I knew though something was hiding behind that indifference something more.

"I'm so sorry." I said as I bit my lip. Drake just sat there at the end of the couch; it looked like he was looking back on it. That distant memory.

"She was the best mother anyone could ask for. After she died my dad tried to look for another, but he's never found the 'other her'. He can't." Drake said as he leaned back. Drake brushed some of his hair out of his eyes. His knuckles bandaged up, but you could still see the blood. He looked bruised, he looked tired. But worst of all he looked mournful.

"So what's your sob story?" Drake asked. It looked like he had put off the sadness, maybe for later tonight. I looked down at the ground. I only had one true sob story. The one sob story that was always in the back of my mind ready to spring up and hurt me again, the one sob story I wish I could forget. I looked back up at Drake.

"Come on Blaine. I told you mine. Tell me yours." Drake said as he smiled. He probably thought it was some embarrassing girly story about me forgetting my tampon. As if! I wish that would be the one thing that was haunting my memories. No, but no. I let out a sigh. Well I better tell him. There is no point not to tell him, I mean he will be leaving in 4 weeks. I will never ever see him again after that. It will be back to my normal life.

"I was 15, just got into the big high school. I was an excited idiot. I went to a party once with Alyssa & Jackie. One of the football players that was there slipped something in my drink. I watched as he......." I got very quiet at the end as I brought my legs up to my chest. Making myself a shield. I didn't want to look up; I probably have tears in my eyes. I am not the kind of person that is going to look this weak in front of someone.

"He raped me." I muttered out.



So what you thinking about this chapter?? Comments??

Well hi everyone. Okay well Saturday is my concert *Yahhh!!* So Sunday *maybe* I will post chapter 11.

Don't know yet. Also Sunday I will be posting pics of me and my bff.

You will get to see my new red hair, that I got......Tuesday. (I was going to post Tuesday but I dyed my hair instead.

Now I have Dark Brown/Red/I have no clue hair.

Also the picture on the side was photographed my your's truely, me :)

Well sorry about this lonnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg message.

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