Chapter 27

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Arrange Marriage?!?! Do those even exist anymore?




Now I am really curious about where we are going.


~Andrew's P.O.V~

I am going to become a father, wow. Very hard to think of when I am only 18, but still the thought of Gabby with a small little baby. My baby, well it's a very nice thought. We drove on as the Gabby switched the station again, now the song Marchin On by OneRepublic came on. The car was quite but it was nice. Finally we arrived to where I wanted to bring Gabby. It was that Hill I brought her too before.

"I remember this place." Gabby said as she got out of the car, as I did the same. It was only probably noon but it was perfect. Gabby and I meet at the hood of the car then we took each other's hand and we walked up onto the hill. Only with one other thing the baby book full of names.

~Gabby's P.O.V~

We walked up onto the hill Andrew had only showed me a few days ago. All he had brought with us is the baby name book. Well it looks like this is going to be our afternoon. I wonder how we are going to tell our parents, oh god. Awkward! We walked up the hill as the sun sat in the middle of the sky.

"Here you want to lay down?" Andrew asked as he laid down on the grass.

"Sure why not." I said as I smiled. I laid down on the grass right next to Andrew. I rubbed my stomach which at the moment held a little baby. We laid there quietly for a while then Andrew brought out the baby book, oh god.

"So want to look at names?" He asked as he took my hand.

"Sure." I said as I got onto my shoulder. Andrew put the book on the ground.

"Any requests?" Andrew asked as he opened up the book to the first page. Were there really any names I really like. Oh I have some.

"Look up Ryan, Sophia, & Tori." I said as Andrew nodded. He flipped to Sophia first, I have no idea why.

"Sophia, Greek, means wisdom." Andrew said as he looked up at me.

"Next." I said, scratch Sophia. Next he went to Tori.

"Tori, American, from the Torrance of Victoria." Andrew said as scratched his head.

"Next." I said, Scratch Tori. On to the last one, Ryan.

"Ryan, Irish, Little King." Andrew said as he smiled. It sounded so cute.

"I love it." I said as I put my head in my hand. Ryan Miller.

"Okay so if it is a boy Ryan....Miller." Andrew said. Skipping the middle name, wait we didn't have one yet.

"What should his middle name be?" I asked Andrew as he put his hand lightly on my stomach.

"How about Joseph? That's my middle name." Andrew said.

"I like it, Ryan Joseph Miller. It's perfect!" I squealed as Andrew smiled.

"Wait what if it's a girl?" Andrew asked as I bit his lip, wow didn't think of that.

"How about if it is a girl her name can be........Jade Abigail Miller?" I said as the name popped into my head. Andrew looked up into the sky.

"I like it." Andrew said as he smiled. Wow, finished our baby names already. I laid down on the grass as Andrew put the book aside. He laid right next to me holding my hand, and leaning his head against mine. It was a perfect moment.

"Gabby, um after this baby....?" Andrew began to ask but paused.

"Yes?" I asked as I turned my head towards him.

"Well we can move out of state and start over again. Somewhere new." Andrew said as he smiled at me. That sounds perfect!

"Andrew we should, we should move somewhere new and start over." I said as I kissed Andrew.

"We'll leave right after the baby is born." Andrew said as he rubbed my stomach again. This is perfect.

"How will we explain this to our parents?" I asked as I looked back up to the sky.

"Well they wanted grandkids remember?" Andrew said as he smiled. Yah, he is right. I remember that small get to gather at their house. They said they wanted grandkids and I spit water out everywhere. I laughed as I remembered the memories. This was the perfect, at the moment.

~Andrew's P.O.V~

Ryan Joseph Miller or Jade Abigail Miller. I can't wait, to be a father. I think Gabby can't wait to be a mother. I want to see that. Since the day I meet Gabby she never had the motherly appeal.

"Andrew we should, we should move somewhere new and start over." Gabby said as she kissed me. I loved the idea, starting over. Luckily I'm not the only one who likes the idea.

"We'll leave right after the baby is born." I said as I rubbed Gabby's stomach, I can't wait till I can feel the baby kick or when I can hold it in my arms. I can't wait to be a father!

"How will we explain this to our parents?" Gabby asked as she looked up at the sky, lost in thought.

"Well they wanted grandkids remember?" I said as Gabby smiled, then laughed. Oh god I remember that night as if it was only yesterday. That was the best. I love Gabby so much and I will be soon be a father of a child, my child, no our child.

~Gabby's P.O.V~

"I love you." I said as Andrew stood up. He grabbed my hand and helped me up.

"I love you too." Andrew said as he smiled at me. He grabbed my hand and we walked to the car. Soon I will be a mother. But for now Life is good, I am married to Andrew and I am expecting a little baby soon. My life is Good.


SO like the last official chapter, last is the Epilogue!

So tell me what you think of it! You all know the drill!

Okay well the epilogue will be out in 8 hours.

I have already finished it but you all will have to wait!

Okay well see you all soon.

Love you and enjoy!

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