Chapter 14 {part 1 of 4} First ummmm......DATE

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^^ My First Real Fan :) Thank you Again for Giving me the Confidence and Courage to keep on Writing.

So I was eating Spaghetti when IT all happened.......




 "Okay I'll help you Drake." She said.


After being dressed and sitting on your computer for a while it gets very boring. Very----- boring so I decided to watch some TV on my computer. Yah, I have TV on my computer. And just my luck too!! Watchmen is on!! Yah!! I laid on my bed and watched it. {Extra points if you can guess who Blaine's favorite Watchmen character is}. Hmmm.....I can't fucking believe it! I'm dating DRAKE! What the Hell was I smoking?!?! Confusion, my brain hurts....  :/ Suddenly my phone began to vibrate. I picked it up.

 'New Text From Lilly' My phone blinked. I read the text.

 'Blaine!! I got a joke for you!! What do you call a bunny with no feet??'  I looked down at the text, seriously.

 'Dead' I texted quickly back.

'Umm I was going to say Unlucky but Dead works too.'

 'Bye Lilly' With that pathetic text I turned off my phone. 

"Grrr!" I said as I shoved my face into a pillow. I hate being bored. What to do?What to do? What to do? WHAT THE FUCK TO DO?

"I could go on my computer and message everyone!" I said to myself as I shot up. I am crazy. But all the best people are! I walked over to my computer and I opened up the chat.

'Hey guys anyone out there. Other than Lilly?' > Bsmiley

'Blaine, where the Hell have u been??' > aLYSSaiSaWESOMe

'Hell' > Bsmiley


'Well maybe next time you should turn your computer volume DOWN!' > aLYSSaiSaWESOMe

'U 2 IDOITS SHUT UP! Oh hey Blaine!" > ?what

'Hey!' > Bsmiley

'Fuck you all, I'm going back to sleep.' > Leave-me-the-Hell-alone

'You know what, I'm just going to leave I think.' > Bsmiley

'bYe.' > aLYSSaiSaWESOMe

'Bye Blaine!!' > ?what

Yes these are the type of conversations I have sometimes....special right? {Extra points to whoever can name who each IM name was. I will be very impressed. I'll get you started. Blaine = Bsmiley. Now Jackie, Alyssa, & McKenzie.} I turned off the monitor of my computer then I sat on my bed. Drake better be done soon. I looked at the clock. 4 o'clock exactly. There was a quiet knock at the door. I jumped up and answered it. Drake :)


"Hey." I replied as I smiled up at him. He took my hand.

"So where are we going?" I asked as we went down the stairs. Drake smiled then he laughed. He led me to the kitchen. You know I really like saying WE. It comes off of the tongue nicely. Maybe too nicely.

 "We're staying here." Drake replied as he smiled. Wait?? IS he crazy??  My brother is STILL here!!

"Umm what about my brother?" I asked. Drake laughed.

"Paid him to leave." I didn't know Drake was capable of Bargaining. I tried to picture it, but I couldn't. I let out a giggle.

"So what are we doing first?" I asked as I leaned against the counter. Drake looked at me.  

'Ummmm......"*mutters something* "Give me a second." Drake looked around for a second. Is he nervous? What a question. He turned back around to me holding something behind his back.

 "Here you go." He said as he pulled out a bouquet of Roses from his back. I let out a small little gasp. He handed me the flowers. They were beautiful. The blues, the gold's, the greens, all so pretty! I loved them!!

"Thank you soo much." I said as I held the flowers. Drake just smiled like the little fool he is. I leaned towards him planting a quick kiss on his cheek. He face light up. I just laughed.

"Well what are we having for dinner?" I asked as I sat down at the table. Drake looked around then smiled sheepishly.

 "Pizza & Pop." I just rolled my eyes. Well good, I like pizza. In the corner of my eye I caught onto Drake's guitar sitting in the corner.

 "While we are waiting for our 4 course meal how about you play me a song!" I said as I jumped up and grabbed Drake's guitar. I handed it to him. He looked at me as if he couldn't believe it.

"Okay." He muttered. I sat back down as he sat on the counter. I turned around and watched him as he got himself together. He held the guitar ready to play.

 "This song is dedicated to Blaine." He smiled as his eyes quickly glanced up at me.


I don't have the poison of the food anymore!! Hooray!!

Okay well hey everyone! Welcome to the new chapter of Spaghetti. Wooot!


Now time for some stuff. My question is a fill in the blank question.

Soooo......    Drake is a _________.

I'm actually not going to answer. I want to hear what you guys think.

 Other than my questions..Umm like the music video? Like the chapter?

 Ohh & the slideshow is a sneak peek of the story I was talking about in my broadcast. It's a very very sneak peek!!

 It is something much different. There will be Romance & Adventure. But there is a HUGE difference in the story!!

 Maybe you guys might like. {It will be out later}

 *Internet Hug*

 I have got to go guys.

 <3 you :)


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