Chapter 12 What's that......

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So We were eating Halloween Candy when SHE came……




“Hey what the Hell!?” the person who fell yelled. I looked up to see…….Drake. What the…..


What the…..FUCK?! Suddenly the door slammed shut, but not before the person who shoved us in here was able to turn on the lights. I listened as they locked the door. Wait….NOOOOOO! Drake jumped up and began to pound on the door.

“Your weak ass won’t be able to open it.” I hissed as I scooted against the wall. With that I crossed my arms. Stupid dress, stupid high heels, stupid dance, stupid friends, stupid Drake. Drake looked back at me and groaned. Then he began to bang on the door louder and harder.

“Please please guys let me out!!” He yelled, as if I was a hurricane. Excuse me? He began to lightly bang his head against the door. I clenched my teeth as I glared up at him.

“We’re not letting you out until you two talk!” Someone called. Drake looked back at me.

“Blaine.” He hissed.

“Drake.” I hissed back. There was silence for a second.

“You got to talk more than that!” Someone said. I leaned my head against the wall, letting out a loud and annoyed groan. I should have never come to this stupid fucking dance!! GRALAKDGHA;LSKJTFRHA;GFtfrhilausgtfil! That’s what Hell sounds like…….

“Fuck you all.” I yelled as I stared at the wall. I was thinking about where I would like to be…..hmmm…..Hawaii sounds nice. Oh no Spain! Ah, Mexico! Drake plopped down at the door, with a loud annoying grunt. I rolled my eyes as I looked at the wall. I could feel Drake watching me and it was really annoying!

“What the Hell are you staring at!?!?” I asked as I glared at him. He just glared back.

“Having fun with Ashton?” Drake spat as he kept his glare glued on me. I let out a pitiful laugh.

“I told you once I told you twice. I’m not with Ashton! He is with McKenzie!!” I yelled. I was soo tempted to jumped up and kill him. Right here right now! Drake looked away from me.

“So How’s Scarlett…..Bang her yet? No let me guess…..she’s pregnant with someone else’s baby!” I laughed evily as I pictured it. The slut having someone else’s baby and Drake thinks he’s the father! Let’s see how that turns out! mwhahahahahaha!!!! Drake clenched his fists and I just glared at him right in his dark eyes.

“I’m not with Scarlett…..” Drake muttered as he looked at me still. I smiled……I bet he’s not with Scarlett. I bet she is his play toy!!! That deserves another!!  mwhahahahahaha!!!! Hahaha……ha. Okay this is not funny anymore! Mostly when he is just sitting there!! Grrrrrrr….

“Why’s that Drake?” I asked with a little smirk on my face. Drake frowned at me as he turned away. Then he muttered something that I really didn’t catch. I smiled.

“What’s that………Drake?” I asked, I sounded pretty smug but I don’t care. I looked down upon him, waiting for him to snap……closer……closer……closer.

“She’s not you!” Drake snapped. Then it got silent………like super silent. He turned around a bit looking at me. Okay…………all that I have been thinking and saying was very rude.

“I still have your necklace.” Drake said, he pulled out a necklace from his pocket. I have been looking for that one! I took it off……..that one night when drake and I…..biddba beopad bo-ed (Bill Cosby speech). I smiled at him. Everything that has happened has just flown out the window.

“Well I still have your virginity.” I laughed. Drake rolled his eyes. Now let’s remember this is a storage closet, it’s not that big. Maybe 5 by 5 at the most. Drake scotched closer to me. He smiled as he cupped my chin. I wasn’t arguing. The past was out the window it was just Drake (I almost put Chase here, lol), myself, and all the spiders and dust bunnies that lived in here. His lips connected with mine and bam! I almost forgot how sweet they were. We got closer and closer.

“Ewww! Well looks like they made up.” Drake and I disconnected and looked up. The door was open and everyone was looking at us.

“You are let free!” Parker laughed. Drake and I stood up. I guess everything is back to normal. We walked out and suddenly everyone was gone. So that was their little mission? Pathetic! Drake took my hand and led me to the dance floor. We began to dance as our song came on. Remember our song, by All time Low, Remembering Sunday. I was so happy. I glanced up at the Dj and well Parker had taken it…….what did he do with the Dj…….that’s a little scary. Drake smiled as we got as close as we could. Yah, our school didn’t care. The principal was probably feeling up his aid in the office soooo……

Drake leaned into my ear and began to whisper/sing the words to me as we danced and dance. We danced till the afternoon turned to the night.

“He woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes. Started making his way past 2 in the morning. He hasn't been sober for days

Leaning now into the breeze. Remembering Sunday, he falls to his knees. They had breakfast together. But two eggs don't last. Like the feeling of what he needs

Now this place seems familiar to him. She pulled on his hand with a devilish grin. She led him upstairs, she led him upstairs. Left him dying to get in

Forgive me, I'm trying to find. My calling, I'm calling at night. I don't mean to be a bother, but have you seen this girl? She's been running through my dreams. And it's driving me crazy, it seems. I'm going to ask her to marry me

Even though she doesn't believe in love, He's determined to call her bluff. Who could deny these butterflies? They're filling his gut

Waking the neighbors, unfamiliar faces. He pleads though he tries. But he's only denied. Now he's dying to get inside

Forgive me, I'm trying to find. My calling, I'm calling at night. I don't mean to be a bother, but have you seen this girl? She's been running through my dreams. And it's driving me crazy, it seems. I'm going to ask her to marry me

The neighbors said she moved away. Funny how it rained all day. I didn't think much of it then. But it's starting to all make sense Oh, I can see now that all of these clouds. Are following me in my desperate endeavor. To find my whoever, wherever she may be

I'm not coming back, I've done something so terrible. I'm terrified to speak. But you'd expect that from me. I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt, now the rain is just. Washing you out of my hair and out of my mind. Keeping an eye on the world, From so many thousands of feet off the ground, I'm over you now. I'm at home in the clouds, and towering over your head.

Well I guess I'll go home now...I guess I'll go home now...I guess I'll go home now...I guess I'll go home………”


Hello Everyone! Smiles! Question: Epilogue? Or No Epilogue?


So is anyone reading I am number four?? If you are we must talk!!! :D I am reading it and now I’m obsessed!

I <3 John! He is amazing! And my profile pic is him :D. If you’re not, then you got to read it! It’s amazing!!

Then the movie is coming out toooo! I am really tempted to do a fan-fiction about one of the others (#8 or 9 maybe)

Anyway, brownie points to whoever’s reading it (leave the name of your fav character).

Other than that, well might not have school tomorrow so I will be working…working. LoL


Love you guys!! Oh and Happy……………hmmm…………birthday (?), Holiday (?), Day!

*Internet Hug!*


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