Chapter 12 You Are....

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  • Dedicated to Music

So I was eating Spaghetti when IT all happened.......




"Thank you." I said. Tonight I have someone to watch over me and protect me from the monster.


I don't remember anything from last night. All I know is I woke up, in my comfy bed. I was still in what I had been wearing last night, which were my pajamas. I sat up in my bed and I looked at the ground to see Drake was seated at the ground his back against my bed and his arms crossed. I just sat on my bed looking at him for a second. He, in his own way, really did care. I guess. I didn't really know what to say. I felt like I should do something because of this kindness.

"Hey Drake!" I yelled. Drake opened his eyes falling to his side, his face looked shocked. Hahaha_____. He looked up at me and groaned.

"Yes Blaine?" He asked, his voice ran with annoyance. I laughed a cherry laugh.

"You want to go get some donuts?" I asked as I put my feat on the ground next to him. Drake looked at me. His eyes got big, his nose flared a bit, and his mouth was in a little o. It was pretty funny.

"What?" I asked standing up and walking to my closet. Got to pick out my clothes for today. I walked into the closet. I didn't really know what I wanted to wear yet, so I just walked right back out. Drake stood up and ran to me. He began to shake me.

"Who the Hell are you & what have you done with Blaine?" He yelled. I just laughed. He let go of me.

"Okay let's go get some donuts." He said as he walked out of my room. I just laughed. I walked back into the closet and picked out what I wanted to wear. I picked a pair of skinnies, my white converse, and my black tight 30stm shirt, that had Jared, Shannon, & Tomo on it. I was about done. Oh hair/face. I walked into the bathroom and I brushed my hair, it had it's lovely curls to it. Then I put on some mascara, blush, and blue eye shadow. I was good for the day. I walked out and Drake was leaning against the wall snoring. I walked up to him and took his hand.

"Come on Wake up!" I yelled. He jumped and fell to the ground. He was gripping my hand, so he dragged me to the ground with him. I was on top of him so I rolled off instantly. Then I laughed.

"Stop!" He whined as He got up. He helped me up.

"Okay let's go get some donuts." I said. I got my keys then we got into my car and drove to a little local donut place. Its name Don't-U-Nut......yes the name is pathetic. We parked in the front then we walked in. The place was almost empty. There were 2 men in there though. We walked in and went straight to the counter. A teenage girl was there. She had platinum blonde hair, big blue eyes, and big pink lips. She was chewing on some bubble gum as she read a magazine as she used one of her fingers to curl her hair.

"Hello, Umm I would like a Carmel latte." I said to the girl. She looked up at me. More glared. I just ignored it. Drake stood next to me.

"I'll have a long john, filled." He said. The girl looked at him and smiled. Lust, it consumed her. She smiled.

"Right away." She said. She turned around and handed me my coffee then she got Drake's donut. I paid for it then we sat down. I drank my coffee as he ate his donuts.

"Thanks for the donuts." Drake said as he finished his donuts. I smiled. Then something caught my eye. The girl, the one who was rude to me, yah her. Well she was looking at Drake as she held a Long John. She was licking it. Eww!

"Drake look over there." I laughed. Drake turned his head and turned right back.

"That is mildly disturbing." He muttered as he back to me.

"You be careful tiger, you never know what's been in that mouth. I'm guessing Herpes!" I joked. Drake's looked scared.

"Ewww! Stop. That's nasty! Mental Picture!" Drake said as he laid his head on the table. I just laughed.

"Let's go." I said as I finished my coffee. I threw away the contained then Drake and I stood by the door looking out. It was pouring. I had no jacket too. Neither did Drake.

"Ok ready set..." Drake said as he took my hand. I nodded.

"Go!" He yelled as we went through the door into the rain. We ran, Drake still holding my hand. Then I slipped. Drake has amazing reflexes, let me just say that. He kind of stopped. Letting me fall into his hands.

It was the same position when you dance and the lady leans back the dude holds her. The moment in any movie before.....

Drake smiled down at me. His eyes glistened as water droplets fell from his hair in perfect sync with the rain. The taste of his lovely breath lingered on me. I smiled. A moment more of nothing. A pause, it was just like a pause in a movie right before something happens.

A moment more of breathing, I was sucked into the moment. Sucked right into it. Then his he brought me closer to him. Our lips meet and in perfect harmony they touched. His lips were hot against mine. Fire pure fire. His arms held me close to him as mine found their way behind his neck holding myself even closer.


We both stood there the kissing had stopped, completely soaked. A passing truck had hit a puddle and slashed us. Drake took my hand.

"Let's go." He said, his eyes said he wanted more right now his voice said he wanted more later. His voice had won. He held me close as we ran to the car.


Hey Everyone! Happy Halloween!

My question today is: What are you being for Halloween?

I'm being a ghoul, with a chainsaw, and a dead bride will have her arms around my neck. Yah my costume sucks! I wanted to be Santa, but there were no costumes :(

Well hope you like the chapter. And the ending :)

People have been waiting for this for a long time!! :)

Happy Halloween!


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