Chapter 1

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(Be warned that I'm not a third person author so it may be a bit shitty for the first few chapters)

T H I R D   P E R S O N

"Umm hello? You look lost?" The blonde haired boy walked up to the short brunette.
"Not lost. Just running." The brunette was in fact lost. He just didn't want to admit it.
"Running? From who?" The blonde was also not admitting something.

"Who says there's a who?" The blonde laughed.
"Sorry it's just- well usually when people are running it's from someone. I'm running too." The blonde was scared to admit it. But it was the truth. He was running away.

"Who are you running from?" He didn't want to open up to this small stranger.
"Some people. My mate." This had the brunette in shock.
"But why? Surely he's not that bad?" There wasn't much for the blonde to say.

"We argued... You seem to know what you're doing out here. Could I stick with you for a little while?" The brunette was unsure. They'd just met and he didn't even know if he could trust this boy. For all he knew this could be one of the bad witches, preparing him for death.

"Oh I know what you must be thinking. Don't worry, I'm a wolf too. The names Niall." The blonde, Niall, stuck his hand out for the brunette.
"Nice to meet you Niall. I'm Louis." The brunette ignored the hand and pulled him in for a hug.

"Now tell me Niall, why did you really run away?" He shrugged.
"I had a fight with my mate. We're soulmates, bonded even. He's asleep still but I know he's going to find me. He always does." It seemed as though the blonde had done this before. But it was his first time.

"I won't ask what the fight was about. You can keep that private, unless you want to tell me. I won't invade your privacy." Niall appreciated that.
"Thankyou Louis. So you're an omega too?" He nodded shyly.
"Yes I am." He didn't look like it, but he was a strong omega. He'd grown up fighting. He's been away from home almost his entire life.

"That bag looks heavy. I'll take you to where I'm sleeping. You can leave it there if you like?" Niall appreciated it.
"That would be so nice, thankyou."

Niall wasn't expecting this place to be anything much.
"I will say now that it's only a cave. No doors or anything. But it's right at the back." That was to be expected from the small boy.


"Harry! Harry he's gone! He's not here Harry! Where the fuck is he?" The alpha walked into his best friends bedroom and woke him with vigorous shakes and loud shouts.
"What are you on about Liam? He's probably in the kitchen." The younger alpha just wanted to sleep again.

"Harry he's nowhere to be seen. I can't smell him. He's too far. Why did I have to yell? Oh Harry we need to find him! We need to find him now!" Liam wasn't just worried for the omegas safety. There was something else. Niall was to go into heat later that day. He had no recollection of it but Liam knew. He kept track.

"Harry we need to find him NOW! Some other alpha could sniff him out and take adavantage of him and I don't want him to get hurt and-"
"CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" Harry's voice boomed throughout the room. "I'm up. We're leaving now."


"Uhh Lou... I- I feel warm." Niall didn't understsnd what was happening. He wasn't used to having heats. He'd only had 3 before. A considerable amount for an omega of his age. Liam had helped him out through 2 of them. The first he had suffered on his own.

"You're burning Niall." Realisation hit Louis as soon as Niall started letting out small whimpers.
"Oh god Ni... Get to the very back of the cave. NOW!" He pushed him through and made sure he was right to the back. The least likely place for any alpha but his mate to find him.

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