Chapter 22

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"Come on Harry! We gotta go! I need to see my babies!" I'm already 5 and a half months along and I didn't even know! That's like over half the pregnancy. The worrying thing is that it's triplets and I'm not really showing that much. I mean you can definitely tell I'm pregnant.

I need to get my diet up for these babies. Sadly it's not as easy as telling me to eat or telling myself to just eat. I'm really trying to build it back up again. I thought I'd have got it by now but with the regression I'm still just as bad.

"Coming baby, just needed to brush my teeth." He came out of the bathroom and greeted me with a kiss. "Oh look at you Lou, our precious little pups are in there." He put his hand on top of my hand on my stomach. I guess I'm wearing something that makes me show today.

"Lou bear you are getting so big and I fucking love it." I'm not really that big.
"Hazzy its only small, considering I'm like almost 6 months and there's 3 of them." He shook his head.
"You can't see it can you Loubear. We don't have mirrors around here. Come on, off to the boys new room!" He grabbed my hand and took me upstairs.

Harry knocked on the door and Liam came to answer. It was as if he was just stood there waiting. Ni was led on the bed with Sam on his chest.
"Hiya Liam. We need to use your mirror. Lou's worried he's not big enough." Strange right. Usually people worry they're too big but not me, I feel like I'm not big enough.

"Come on in, mirrors right over there." He pointed to the gigantic wall mirror across from their bed. I don't wanna know what they use that for! Harry pulled me over and stood me in front of it.

"There you go Lou, take a good look." I looked up at myself. My stomach is- well its actually- its fairly big. I guess I'm just blind. Maybe I was overthinking it all. I guess I was just too caught up in my head and thinking too much to realise that I was actually normal sized.

"See baby, nothing to worry about okay. You look perfect." Harry stood behind and wrapped his arms round me, placing his hands on my belly.
"Ni, we see you holding your phone this direction." He's totally not making it obvious at all...

"I'm sorry Lou! You guys are just so goddamn cute! The cutest and most gorgeous couple ever to exist!" I'll take the compliments. Although right now what I do need to take is a bloody piss. I ran into the bathroom without even bothering to lock the door behind me and pissed like my life depended on it... although Harry did walk in on me pissing, but we both just laughed it off.


"So alpha, how can I help." They have to address Harry first and then me as Harry is a very important person.
"Louis would like to see his babies. Why else would we be here?" Isn't Alex meant to be the one with the most training? Surely that was a well known stupid question.

We left no time for chatting and the gel was on immediately. He started rubbing the scanner over my belly and suddenly there was something on the screen. Something I'd been waiting forever to see.

"Well it looks like they're all ready for mummy and daddy to know what they are. Would you like to know the genders or do you want to keep it as a surprise?" I looked at Harry and he gave me the same look. I answered for the both of us.
"We'd like to know please." I really cannot wait.

"Okay so first we have this little one. So thats what baby A is. Then baby B is- okay. And baby C is right here and they are a- right okay." We said we wanted to know, what the hell is he doing?! "Alpha Styles, Mr Tomlinson, youve got-"


We're off to see Harry's mum and sister. I finally get to meet them properly. I've apparently already met them once but I don't remember it one bit. So now I'm nervous to actually meet them for the second time. Mainly because I don't want to be judged.

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