Chapter 28

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"Harry, I've received a message from James. There's a ball tonight. Their annual ball. We've all been invited." Not only do I have to look after basically 4 children right now, I need to get ready for a ball. Fucking great.

"Thanks Zayn, what time?" He checked his phone.
"We need to leave at 5:30." Not too bad. I've got maybe 6 hours to get ready and make sure Lou comes out of his headspace. As cute as he is right now, I can't take him to the ball like this.

"Thanks Zee, I'll be ready for then. Just need to make some calls." I've now got to worry about who's going to look after Luca, Noah and Honey. Louis is usually pretty good at finding someone to watch them for us but with him in this state for a couple more hours its up to me.

"Dada, what doin'?" Lou came and jumped on me as I pulled my phone out.
"Finding a babysitter." He continued to jump all over me.
"I no want no one sittin' on me." Its so hard to talk to him about this when he goes into headspace.
"Not for you Loubear, for some other babies." One was kinda hard on my own, three is quite hard with help but four- on my own?! Its almost impossible. But somehow I manage.

I sent a few texts and made a couple calls and worked out that Jay wanted the little ones tonight. I argued a little with her as obviously she has four kids there to look after and another two on the way. Three more kids in her house seems a bit much really. But she insisted. So I accepted.


Lou finally woke up from his nap, feeling much bigger. He apologised profusely, as he does every time now.
"Its okay baby, you can't help it. Its my fault for letting us fuck this morning. We should've waited till they were down for the night." It only lasts a few hours after we fuck so if we fuck at night he can go straight to sleep and wake up okay.

I initiated the fucking this morning so its my own fault and I only have myself to blame. I knew what it does to him but I still allowed it to happen. I just couldn't help it. He woke up looking even more gorgeous than he usually does and I just couldn't help myself.

"Let me go sort the babies out, you've had to do it all morning." He needs to pump for a bit anyway. But it would be nice for him to spend some time with them too.

We walked across the hall to the babies room, its been so well decorated you could hardly tell the boys used to be in here before. Before long, their new room will be getting redecorated too. But not by us. Every room in this house might get redecorated. Depending on whoever buys it from us.

I've had plans and a hell of a lot of meetings recently. We've currently got a whole new neighbourhood being built. Loads more houses are being put up. Two of which are going to be homes for me and Lou and then for Niall, Liam and Zayn. Louis helped me design our house. Its going to look so good when its finished.

There's still gonna be three floors and we've still got two rooms for heats and ruts, the smell gets masked and no one else will get tempted then. But there's gonna be a master bedroom with a walk in wardrobe and en suite with another two bedrooms on that floor and then another four bedrooms on the third floor. Needless to say we'll have a pretty big house still. However the second lounge we have on our second floor now will be placed on the first floor.


Me and Lou have started to get ready for the night ahead of us. With it being a ball, of course its fancy dress. And by that I mean dressing fancy, not costumes. Which means that I'm in a tuxedo and Lou has chosen a gorgeous blue dress. It matches his eyes so well.

He and Niall spent ages choosing their dresses for tonight, not wanting to clash with one another. Louis chose a blue dress and Niall chose a purple one. I've chosen a blue tie out to match with Louis.

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