Chapter 19

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"Li! Li wake up!" I kept shaking and shaking but nothing. "Zaynie! Zee wake up!" Now's not the time. I need them to wake the fuck up. "Liam! Zayn! Please! Please wake up! I need you to wake up." I shook them both frantically. This isn't what I want right now.

My only other option is to see if Harry can wake up. I climbed off the bed and slowly made my way over to Harry's room. I'm dripping and soaked all down below. I hate this.

Slowly I crept over to Harry, being careful not to wake up Lou. That's the last thing he needs. I gave Harry a soft shake. His eyes slowly started to open.
"Harry, you gotta help me. Please." He's still half asleep. "Harry please I need help. My waters broke." He shot up and was out of that bed in seconds.

"Ni, Where's the boys?"
"I tried and tried to wake them up but it just wasn't gonna happen." I can't tell if I'm crying or not anymore. My face is numb.
"Come on Ni, let's go wake them up." Harry grabbed onto me and helped me back over to our room.

We walked over to the boys and started shaking them frantically.
"Li-Li wake up! Please wake up! I need you! Come on Li! Liam please!" I started to get movement from him. I kept shaking and shouting at him.

"Wha- Ni? What's going on?" Thank fuck he's up.
"Li we need to get to a hospital. Now! My waters broke." Just like Harry, Liam was up in seconds. He started running around and chucking clothes on and grabbing everything.

Harry finally had some luck with Zayn and he eventually woke up.
"Zee, you have the next couple weeks off. You need to get up now though. Niall's gone into labour." A look of panic struck across his face.

"But its too early? What's going on? We've still got 2 months yet." I wish I knew why this was happening but I don't. All I know is I'm in pain and these babies are coming whether we like it or not.

Zayn rushed out of bed and got dressed too. Harry offered to drive us to the hospital. Liam and Zayn are in no fit state to drive right now.
"What about Lou?" Harry panicked
"Get yourselves outside, I'll see if anyones awake yet." He suddenly ran off.


Niall's in labour... 2 months early. 2 whole fucking months. The three of them are panicking. And now I'm panicking too. I'm worried for them. I really hope the babies end up okay. They need to be okay! For Niall's sake.

I ran downstairs and looked everywhere for someone. Thankfully Honey was already awake in the kitchen starting on todays meal prep. As I walked in she was coughing in a really nasty way.

"Honey? Everything okay?" I'd clearly made her jump.
"Oh Harry you startled me! Yes of course. Just a slight tickle is all. How can I help you?" I don't believe that for a second.
"I need a huge favour. Can you watch Lou for me please? I need to get Ni, Li and Zayn to the hospital." She looks worried.

"Is it the babies? Are they okay?"
"Niall went into early labour. I need to go as soon as possible. Don't worry about the food." She nodded and quickly ran off. I'm assuming to my room to watch Lou.

I ran out to the car and jumped in the drivers seat. All three boys are ready to go. I started the engine and drove off as quick as I could.


We arrived at the hospital in no time. The whole journey was full of us all encouraging Niall and making sure he's okay. There were a lot of contractions in the half an hour it took.

"Harry, I dont suppose you could stay could you? I just... I-" Liam stopped himself. The other two have gone on ahead. Its just me and Liam.
"Whats up Li?" He looks like he's gonna cry.

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