Chapter 13

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"Lou baby... daddy's coming to find you" I sneak through the bedroom trying to pretend I don't know where he is. Of course he's giggling and making it so obvious for me.

"Are you here?" I pulled back the bed covers as if I was looking. "Or maybe he's in here..." opening the cupboard doors I pretend to look for him. "He can't be in the bathroom. Oh where could my Loubear be? I've lost him. I might have to get some help." Just at the right moment Liam stepped into the room.

"Hi Li, have you seen my Lou Lou? I can't find him anywhere." I put emphasis on the anywhere so Liam knows to play along.
"I haven't seen him in a while actually. I wonder where he could be."

Lou suddenly jumps out from under the bed and runs into my arms.
"I here daddy!" He's giggling non-stop and very hyper.
"Oh I thought I'd lost my pretty princess. Thank goodness I found you!" This boy couldn't get any cuter.

Whilst cuddling my baby I remembered that Liam had come in.
"Everything okay Li?"
"Actually uh yeah... Just some news for you." That's Zayn's job to give me news on things. Mostly things to do with me being alpha. "I think you need to come into the movie room."

Li walked out and I followed along, still carrying my baby boy. Niall and Zayn are both in here sat together along with Ashton and Luke.

"Jeez Harry you're in for a tough time." Luke tells me as I sit down, keeping Lou on my lap. He's practically glued to me anyway. Well that is until...
"Come see uncle Ni Ni and uncle Zaynie for a minute boo." Lou runs over and jumps to Zayn's other leg, one being occupied by Niall.

Ash handed me an envelope with a letter. I already know that it's from the school from the logo on the front. Opening it up I begin to read:

Dear Mr Styles,

I am very sorry to inform you that we may have to exclude you from the school. The reason for this being that you have not attended in over a month. There has been no contact to us as to why you have been off. Students have told us why although it has not come from you personally so we are obliged to ignore what they have said. Please contact us immediately with an explanation.

Many thanks, Mr Cowell

What a twatface (that's new for me 😂) that guy is. Who the fuck does he think he is telling his head alpha that he's going to get kicked out of school! I know he's older, so so so much older, but he can't say if the head alpha gets kicked out or not. That is the head alpha's job to decide. Ironic, I can decide when I leave school.

"There's another one for Lou. Exact same thing inside." Okay now that's just rude. I'm going to call that bastard up and give him a piece of my mind.

"Zayn, come with me. Princess I just need to get uncle Zaynie to help me on the phone. Why don't you play with Ashie? I'm sure he'd love to play dollies with You." I gave Ash a little wink and a smirk. He doesn't look impressed.

Zayn followed me out the room and through to my bedroom.
"What do you need help with?"
"I'm calling the school up. I don't need help as such, I just need you to keep me calm." He shrugged as if to say 'fair enough'.

I dialled the number and put it on loudspeaker.
"Hello this is Lana speaking how may I help." Oh it's Lana. She's the lovely one. I can't strop at her.
"Could I talk to Mr Cowell please? He's expecting a call."
"I'll put you through right away." She hung up her line and passed it to another.

It was ringing for a full on minute before he picked up.
"Hello, Simon Cowell speaking. How can I help?" Quit the act asshole.
"Hi it's alpha Styles. I've been told to call you about my whereabouts."
"Ah Harry. Yes, please, tell me where you've been." This is going to take a while.

"This is on behalf of my omega too. Something has happened to him which has made him regress to a young age and I have to be looking after him constantly. I will not be able to attend school while he is like this as I don't want him to feel stress again for at least another month. Please do not suspend us."

"Mr Styles I can assure you that now we are aware you will not be kicked out." Quit the nice act man. " I will say now that you are required to return to school after the two week holidays which start this week. I cannot give you any longer. If that means you have to bring Louis regressed then so be it. No further discussion Mr Styles. Goodbye." Fucking asshole hung up on me!

"Who the fuck does he think he is Zayn?! Telling his own alpha what to do! Fucking hanging up on me! How dare he!"
"Hazza calm down. Why don't we go find-"
"Lou Just regressed further! Not newborn but maybe like 1 or 2."

Forgetting the other two I ran to the movie room to find my baby crawling around.
"Dada!" I picked him up and cradled him into my arms. "Dada." He's definitely not two.

"Can you walk for me baby?" He looks confused. "Stand up princess." I put him down onto the floor and held his hands. He's wobbling a lot. I don't want to risk letting him go.

"Hazza I thinks he's about the age of 1 right now. Started blowing raspberries on his tummy and he just suddenly went funny." It's fine. He's fine. Just have to cope with him being a little bit younger now. As long as it goes no further than this I'm sure we'll be fine.


"Loubear it's bedtime. You want a baba? Zaynie go get you a baba?" I smiled up at Zayn and as he's my beta he listened. Ni took him from my lap and started to get him changed. He just led there and giggled. The only words he's said all day are dada (repeatedly), baba and Ni. Someone has clearly got a favourite uncle.

Zayn came back with the warm bottle just as Niall placed Lou under the covers. I held the bottle for him and put his blankie by his head. He has a stuffie next to him and a dodo ready for when the bottles gone.

The bottle was finished in minutes as he's mastered the skill of drinking it now. His eyes are droopy so Liam slipped his dummy into his mouth and I placed the stuffie in his arms. The four of us walked away slowly, the other three leaving but me staying by the door just in case he needs me.


It's late but me and the boys are still up chatting. It's a Friday night, we're allowed to be up late.

"So you're saying you have to go back no matter what state he's in?" Liam questioned.
"Yeah. Basically what I got from Lana is that as long as Lou is in school and registered in every lesson then he won't be kicked out." Lana had called back later on explaining everything to me properly. She's lovely.

Just as long as me and Lou show up to school every day and are registered for each lesson we're fine. If we have to leave midway through a lesson it's fine as long as we're registered at the next lesson in time. I don't mind that. We've got a policy in which we're allowed to leave class. If we couldn't then I would have most likely kicked off. Thank goodness we are though.

A/N I'm so so sorry for such a crappy update... I haven't been able to write in a really long time and I'm so stuck on ideas so any help would be so much appreciated!!


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