Chapter 8

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"Come on baby, you take full control of my laptop. Pick anything you need and I'll buy it for you. And don't give me anything about the price because I don't care. I'll buy it all for you little one."

He took the laptop from me and started typing things in. A website popped up for ageplay.
"I'm scared Harry." Harry. Not Hazza or Haz or daddy.
"What's up baby? You can tell me."

He looks upset. I can see the fear in his eyes.
"I just- I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what I actually need. I've gone so long with only what was in my bag. I don't know what a real baby would need." The website does seem a little overwhelming.

"Would you be comfortable if I called Niall in here? He's becoming a mummy in a little under 9 months and the instincts have kicked in already." Somehow he seems less scared now.

"Yes please. Get Niall. It would help. I mean having a friend here would help. For moral support. Maybe." Now he seems unsure again. Nevertheless I got up and dragged Niall into the room. Of course Liam followed, not understanding what was happening.

"What's up Lou." My baby is crying.
"Shit princess what's the matter? Hey I'm right here." I pulled him close to my chest. At the use of the nickname the sobs picked up.

"I just- I'm- this is new to me. I don't know what I'm doing. I think I'm just scared. Of everything. I- it's just- nevermind." I feel so bad for my baby.

"No princess you can tell me. I won't judge you if that's what you're worried about."
"It's exactly that. Princess. I'm a boy. I shouldn't like being called such a girly name. It's weird. But I wear panties and I like girly things and pink. It's not normal!" Oh my poor baby boy.

"Princess if you like it then I'll keep doing it. If you like girly things that doesn't matter. I won't judge you. Personally I find this very adorable." He looked up with doe eyes.
"Really? You really do?" I gave him a small nod and he reached up and washed my face with kisses.

"I- thankyou. For not judging me. Or saying it was weird. I lo- thankyou." The tears have slowly subsided and I'm sure we can get back to this.

"Now, what do babies need Nialler? Lou here doesn't really know what he's getting." Niall clambered over and took the laptop from Louis.
"No Niall, I want Lou to have full control. You just help him." He was about to protest until Liam spoke up.

"Niall, listen to the alpha. Give the laptop back." He carefully placed it back in Louis lap.
"Thankyou. Now please tell me what the fu- heck I'm getting." I gave a soft kiss to his cheek.
"Thankyou for correcting yourself baby."

"Well first off let me just say you in a onesie was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen! Also Liam wouldn't let me film a really cute moment between you boys." Liam looks offended by the statement.
"Louis was naked. Of course you can't bloody film them." Oh that time. I remember hearing them.

Lou looked through the section of onesies/babygrows for a while. I noticed him hovering over a few but not adding them to the basket.
"What's up baby? Remember you can have anything you want. If there's something you'd like I'll buy it just for you." There's that fearful look on his face again.

"I feel uncomfortable." Those three words had me pulling him onto my lap instantly.
"Princess you're fine. Like we say, none of us are going to jusge you. Can you explain to me why you're uncomfortable please? I just want to help you." Anything to make him feel better.

"I just... I don't like having full control over what I'm buying. I don't know what I want because I'm unsure of what little me likes." If I knew a way of getting him into his little space then I'd do it to make the process a whole lot easier.

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