Chapter 29

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(Please don't expect this to be as good or as long as Lou and Harry's, I've not written it yet but I can imagine it'll be shit compared to theirs.)


I woke up on what I'm hoping is going to be one of the happiest days of my life. And well, if its not then I don't know what to say. But thats not gonna be the case and I'm going to enjoy every second of it!

The only part I didn't like was not being able to wake up with my boys beside me. They're both off at a hotel with Harry thats just across from our wedding venue. I don't know what the deal is between the two of them but I do know that I'm not allowed to see them and they can't see me either.

We decided we wanted to get the wedding done sooner rather than later. Only because it won't be long until Zayn's family are moving away and my brother is going back off to Ireland. So we decided it would happen now and not in a year or two like the original plan was.

Zayn's family are lovely, but they're still a bit on the edge about him being with both me and Liam. But they were on the edge anyway when he first just had Liam. As it goes, alphas and omegas go together and a beta can only be with a beta. But Zayn didn't stick to the norms and chose both of us. We're not complaining though.

Without any warning Lou suddenly strolled in, carrying a very distressed baby.
"Oh Ni, he won't stop crying! Harry could've at least taken one of the babies with him." We cannot have any sadness on my wedding day.

"Pass him over, I'll see if I can help." Louis handed me the little one and I got a better look to see that it was Noah. He's such a good mixture of Harry and Louis, its adorable.

I started to rock him and shush him and slowly he started to calm down a little. But at the stop of one babies cry came a cry from another. This time being one of my own in the room across from me.

Louis took Noah back and followed me across the hallway to the nursery. We stepped in and found out the culprit was none other than Sammy. I started to do the same with him as I'd done for Noah. Except I knew he'd be hungry. And it wouldn't be long before Rhea's awake and crying to be fed too.

It may be a special day but there's still five babies in this house that need taking care of too. We may have hired a nanny or two for the help but I still like to do as much for my babies as I possibly can. Lou's the same. He hardly ever wants to let them go or put them down. He's such an amazing mum.


I woke up next to Zayn and reaching out for my Niall. Except he wasn't there. As I was about to sit up and get confused at his absence I suddenly remembered why he wasn't with us.

"Zee, wake up! We need to get up!" I shook him and shook him and he wouldn't budge. Until I knew something that might get him up. "Oh no, Niall's hurt himself and the babies might be hurt too!" With that, Zayn shot up and started looking around the room frantically.

I couldn't hold back my laughter as he started panic rambling to me.
"Its okay, they're not actually hurt! I just needed you to get up." He hit my arm playfully and leant over for a quick kiss. This brings back memories of it being just us. But I'd never change the dynamic we have now for anything. We love Niall with everything we've got.

"Why were you so desperate to wake me up?" I pointed to the clock that read 12:07.
"Cause we kinda have to get up and get ready. We haven't even had time to prepare the venue so we're gonna be fucking rushed off our feet."

This wedding starts in 2 hours and we've not prepared anything yet. I'm usually the first to wake up, and quite early at that. I guess I've just been tired with having the midnight wake up calls and really early mornings with the little ones.

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