Chapter 9

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Lou's initial reaction to the bond mark when he woke up was quite funny. He didn't really understand what it was at first.

"Daddy I got baddy on my neck. Need med'cine to make me better." I cupped his cheek and kissed his lips softly.
"Baby that's not a baddy. That's called a bond mark. It means you're mine now. Isn't that good?" There was a lot of confusion plastered across his face.

"But daddy, if I'm yours now then does that mean I'm yours forever and ever and ever?" I chuckled softly at his words. Niall must have heard as he too was giggling from outside the bathroom.
"You can be mine for as long as you want to be princess."
"Otay daddy. Tankoo daddy."


"Loubear we're off out today. You still wanna come too?" He lifted his head from the pillow and nodded.
"Can I just have five more minutes please Haz?"
"Of course baby. I'll come get you when breakfast is ready." He nodded once more and put his head back down.

Before I got chance to leave the room he spoke up quickly.
"Who are we seeing again?"
"We're visiting Josh, one our friends. Then Lottie has invited us around to her house for the afternoon." I'm hoping that some things can be solved and my boy will be very happy.


"Haz do I have to eat all of it? There's uh- there's a lot." A full English breakfast.
"Of course not baby. Just eat as much as you can." His eating still isn't the best. It's better than it was when he first came here but I reckon he could still eat a lot more.

"Wait, what should I wear when we go out? Is it casual or is it smart?"
"Lou baby, we're seeing friends. It's extrmely casual." He let out a sigh of relief.
"Okay good, my tummy hurts again." He's been having some bad stomach cramps. I'm sure he's fine.

"Oh god what is that awful smell? What the hell are you eating Niall?" It's eggs. He's been craving them with the pregnancy.
"Sorry Lou, can't help it."
"Oh god I think I'm gonna throw up. I've never reacted to eggs so badly before." He stood up and sprinted to the toilet.

Of course being the good mate I am, I got up an followed him to ensure that he was okay. I found him leaning over the toilet, letting it all out.
"It's okay baby. You're okay."
"Haz my tummy hurts. Don't wanna eat anymore. Let me know when we're leaving."

He walked away sadly. The plus side is that he's not gone into his little space this time. It's got to be certain types of sickness that get him little probably. My poor baby.


"Go on Lou. It's just Josh. He's a fairy like Kayleigh. He can't hurt you baby." He took a couple steps forward and sat down on the sofa. I moved to be sat by him and snuggled him into my side.

"How can I help you boys? What do you need to know?" I encouraged Lou to speak. It's better to let him ask as it's about him.
"I uh- well I- umm I- Hazzy I don't wanna say it." A couple tears leaked from his eyes as I pulled him into me further.

"It's okay baby. I'll ask him okay." This whole situation always makes him uncomfortable. "Lou would like to know more about his regression and this mindset he gets in. Why it happens or how?" Josh nodded in understanding.

"Well to start off it happens for a week after his heat. It lasts 3 days after sex. If he is sick for no apparent reason it'll last for a day but being sick because of something doesn't cause it at all. Sometimes it can be triggered by getting too overwhelmed, like now. This lasts for around an hour. Really it could happen at any moment for no reason at all."

"I've still got questions... How old is he when he regresses?"
""Around 3 ish. Oh hold on- in the near future it could be- something will happen to cause him to be regressed for a long period of time and to become completely reliant on you, like a newborn." That doesn't sound too good.

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