Chapter 14

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"Zayn can you please watch Lou for 5 minutes! 5 minutes while I get ready. That's all I'm asking for!" I'm running around like a madman trying to get everything ready for when we go back to school. Lou isn't going to be able to do anything for himself so I've got to make sure he has the necessities while I sort myself out too.

"Harry you-"
"I don't care Zayn! Just 5 minutes to get his stuff ready. That's all I need!" Just my luck, Lou started crying. "No no no. Baby don't cry. Dada's here. Sshh... Zayn pack his stuff. I can't leave him like this. You know what he needs."

Instead of me rushing around for his things, Zayn now is. If he doesn't pick up all the right things or forgets something I might actually strangle him. I'm sure he will remember it all but you never know with Zayn.

Lou hasn't spoken a word today except the occasional babble that kids usually do. This could be a sign of further regression, although I hope it's not. I'm not sure what I'll do if he regressed further. Do I even know how to look after a baby?

"Here you go Hazza. Now go join Liam and Niall in the car and get to school would you..." I grabbed the bag from him as well as picking up my own school bag. Still with Lou in my arms I ran out to the car and jumped into the back.

"About bloody time! What took you so long?" I swear Liam can ask some stupid questions sometimes.
"Considering one of us can't get ready alone... I'm sure you can tell why." I'm pretty sure Niall was about to slap him just now. I would too if I didn't still have Lou in my arms.


First lesson went okay. Lou sat quietly through all of it. We had to walk out of second lesson because he was non stop babbling. The teacher said nothing and instead let me excuse the both of us. I had to calm him down outside the classroom as we're not allowed to wonder too far.

Breaktime arrived and I tried to feed him a soft piece of bread but he choked on it. How he choked on a small piece of bread I'm unsure. That lead to him then throwing up.

Lottie came to check on her brother and see how he's been. Of course we told her everything that's been happening. She's worried for her brother. All of his siblings are worried. His mother too. Especially his mother.


"Hazza I think he's just gone to sleep." Perfect.
"We can get through a/b/o without too much of a problem then." Having Lou asleep means everyone will be able to focus on their work. That is until he wakes up. Hopefully it'll be a while before that happens.

Niall leads the way into the classroom and to our seats at the back. Trying to sit down with a half asleep Lou in my arms and not wake him up is actually a lot easier than I expected.

"Lay him across you so his head is by your neck and his legs are the opposite side. It'll be easier for you and more comfortable for him." That's his mother's instincts coming in. Niall's been such a big help through this whole process.

"Thanks Ni. I'll keep that in mind for any other time he falls asleep on me." Hopefully just this once today as I don't want him up all night. 1 year olds only really have 1 nap a day I guess.


Right in the middle of the lesson, Lou started to wake up. He was whimpering quietly but no words were coming out.
"Sshh baby. It's okay. Dada's got you. Dada's here." The whimpers didn't subside from that. Instead they started getting louder. Then the unexpected happened...

"No baby. No no Lou. Come on princess. Daddy can't give you that." Half the class are staring at us now.
"Eyes on Me, not at the back please class. Mr Styles if you'd like to step out for a moment." Thank goodness Mr Corden is such a fucking good teacher!

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