Chapter 30

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Final chapter! Please don't hate me for the ending :) L x


Niall has practically forced me to book a doctors appointment. He pestered me for days after the wedding and I finally did it, having it planned for today. Except I didn't tell Harry. I didn't want to worry him so I planned to go on my own. But Niall pestered me to let him come too.

See I got away with not telling Harry because he's busy, decorating our new house. Liam and Zayn are also decorating their own new house. Once it's all decorated we'll be moving in. Its all such an exciting process, but even more exciting that we'll finally have our own house.

Needless to say its fucking amazing living with my best friend, but having our own space will be so good too. Plus its okay because my best friend will be right next door anyway. I'll still get to see him whenever I want.


Louis better be thankful for all this decorating I've gotta do. Its such a nice house and its a good size for the both of us but the decorating is taking forever. Weve got our own bedroom to sort as well as four other bedrooms. Lou insisted the nursery had to be painted for now while the babies are still close to us and then I need to paint two other rooms for the kids.

The boys are having a green room that'll be covered in dinosaurs and Honey gets a purple room that'll have butterflies and fairies all over it. But no doubt as they get older they'll want it to change. And most likely as they get older the boys won't want to share anymore. But it all depends on everything that happens in the future.

For all we know, Louis could get pregnant again next year and we'll have more kids. Although for now I'm quite happy with the three that I've got. They're enough to handle at the moment so I don't need any more taking up our time. We hardly get time to ourselves as it is. Any more kids and we'll never see each other.

Although I suppose it would be nice to have more. And we've got a lot of family and friends that are always willing to look after them and take them in. But still, no more kids just yet. I'm happy with the ones I've got. More than happy to have my three little babies, even if they are quite a lot of work.


The bedrooms were the main priority to be painted but I've found myself painting the living quarters instead. I know I'm the alpha and I could probably hire a bunch of people to do this for me, but there's just something so nice about being able to do it myself.

Before long we'll have all new sofas in here and a better TV than the tiny pesky thing that we've got right now. Our kitchen is all sorted as the builders did the decoration of that one themselves. It comes how it was built and we agreed it didn't need changing.

I was just about to start on the next wall when I received a couple messages from Louis.

Off out for a picnic with Niall, Zayn and Liam are watching the babies for us. I'll be back after lunch. Let me know if you need any help. I love you Hazzy xxx

Okay baby, be safe. I'll come home once I've finished the lounge. Could be a few more hours though. I love you too. H xx

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