Chapter 21

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Its been so nice to have my Lou back. He apologised profusely once we'd arrived back from the hospital. I have to keep reminding him all the time that its really nothing to worry about. We've had to have some interesting conversations though. Especially when he first came to...


"I guess we've got a lot of catching up to do Loubear. Shall we talk now or later?"
"Without sounding selfish I just need to know now please Haz." I kinda miss hearing him call me daddy. Is that weird?

"Well of course we're here at the hospital cause the babies were born a couple weeks ago. Except they came 2 months early. You were regressed for months Lou. You've missed out on meeting my family properly and seeing your own family. There was also the time I managed to uuhh- well Lou, Simons dead." He's shocked. We all were too.

"You finally killed that dickhead! Well done Harry!" I had to quickly reprimand him on his language. He may remember those kinda words now but doesn't mean he should use them. Although he's right, Simon was a dickhead.

"You of course missed the stress and panic of these guys rushing here when Niall went into early labour. And the gender reveal."
"Dont forget to mention the time you both nearly got kicked out of school!" Thanks for that one Niall. Really needed to be reminded of that. Although it made Lou laugh.

"I do have some sad news though. Which could possibly be followed by happy news." He looks confused but worried. "I'm afraid Lou, Honey isn't doing too well. She's not got much longer left. But while she has been here she's been taking good care of us all. She's the one who finally got you to start eating better too." Honey has been so helpful with Lou's eating.

"That explains why I'm getting fat then-" well that's where we can stop him right there.
"Brace yourself Lou. This could be good for you or this could be bad." I'm scared to tell him. So fucking scared. I grabbed his waist and looked him in the eyes.

"I wish I'd waited to find out. But It was too risky to do so. Lou, you're pregnant. With my pups. Our pups." He started to well up and cry. Before I even got a chance to say anymore he jumped on me and gave me the biggest hug ever.

"Thankyou Harry. So much. This is- I'm- its amazing. I'm so happy." He squeezed me again. "I get to start my own little family like I always wanted. And I get to do it with the person I love more than anything in this world. Thankyou so much for this Harry." Well I'm glad he took it in the right way.

"Now, we're here for these adorable little babies Lou so let's try this again. Shall we go see the new babies?" He nodded and grabbed my hand. We went over together and stared adoringly at the cute little ones in front of us.


I completely forgot at that time to tell him it was three babies and not just one. It didn't occur to me until we'd got home later that night that I ought to tell him that there's 3 and that he's already many months along.

I can still imagine the look on his face now. It was a picture! "Three? Fucking three? And you only just thought to tell me!" I had to reprimand him once again on the swearing but it was okay. He had a right to swear at me really.

It's been a few weeks since that happened and today I'm finally gonna do the thing I've wanted to do for a really long time. The other boys are all in on it and I think they're gonna be there when it happens too. We've all got a plan.


Z A Y N (haven't had Zayn's POV yet!)

"Hiya Hazza, ready for me to take you for the meeting?" I've been thinking over it all morning on what I should say I'm doing with Harry. He's still in fucking bed for christ sake. What's this idiot doing.

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