Chapter 7

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"I really am sorry Haz. I didn't know it would happen that bad." Lou keeps apologising. I try to tell him it's fine and he won't listen.
"Baby stop apologising. I really don't mind. In fact I actually quite enjoyed it." He looks confused.

"No Haz I feel disgusted of myself. Acting like a baby in front of you. Not even telling you about it. I should have warned you." I feel so sorry for him. He doesn't seem to be getting it that I enjoyed it.

I pulled him into my chest and hugged him tightly.
"Bub, it's okay. Really it is. Would it make you feel better if I said I wanted you like it all the time?" If he was confused before I'd love to know what he's feeling now.

"That's not happening. No chance. I can't just force myself to act younger. Something has to trigger it."
"We'll ask Kayleigh." He looks petrified.
"No! It's fine Haz. I'm fine. No need to see Kayleigh." If he won't go I'll do it on my own.

"Anyway baby, stop fretting and get ready for school. We need breakfast before we go." It's pancakes this morning. But I said to only do one for Lou. I'm just hoping and praying that he'll actually eat it. I just want my baby to be healthy.


"Right Lou, this is our school. We haven't exactly signed you up yet so I may get shouted at for bringing you in here." I pulled him close to my side, Niall standing the other side with Liam at his hip. We're not letting Lou get hurt on his first day.

"So you mean to say I'm not an actual student here? That I don't have specific classes? Are you stupid Harry?"
"Don't use that tone of voice on me. Apologise now. You do not call your alpha, head alpha, stupid." I nearly used my alpha voice on him but that would be too much. Especially in school.

"Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just thought you'd have some brains and actually get me signed up." He's right. It wasn't a smart move on my part to not sign him up.
"I'm sorry baby. We can go straight to the office right-" the bell went for first class. "After the first couple lessons..." I can't risk being late.

"Harry we are going right now. You can't take me to class. I'm not letting you." He's being a stubborn omega. "You are to take me to the office right now and get me signed up, I don't care if you're late for class!" I had to give in.

I grabbed his hand and started to lead him towards the office. I heard Niall and Liam mutter something along the lines of "he's whipped" right behind us. I'm not whipped, I just want to make my omega happy. That's two different things.

I lead him up the hall and right to the main office. I knocked quickly before hearing the woman call us in. She sat behind her desk, glaring up at us as we came in.
"Who's this?"
"This is Louis, he's an omega and would like to transfer to this school." We're going to have to tell a few little lies to get him in.

"What school is he transferring from?" Shit. He better not speak.
"It's a school in America. It burnt down right before he was due to move so they lost all the files." That should do it. She has to believe me because I'm the head alpha. Head alphas never lie... Unless it's a little white lie for their omega.

"Well can I have his full name and date of birth please." Louis gave her the details she asked for and I found out his full name. Louis William Tomlinson. Suits him beautifuly.
"Well that's sorted, you can start tomorrow. I'll pass the information over to the headmaster." Tomorrow?

"Shouldn't he start today? He's gone months without school." She shook her head at me.
"Sorry no. He's starting tomorrow." We'll see about that.
"Okay, thanks." We bid our farewells and left the office.

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