Chapter 12

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"Oh is my baby awake?" I awoke hearing giggles from Lou and felt soft fingers tickling my sides.
"Daddy play?"
"We just woke up princess. How about I get you changed and dressed first?"
"Yeah." I don't know how young he is at the moment but I'll ask later.

I climbed out of bed, pulling Lou into my arms and taking him through to the closet. I grabbed an outfit for myself before grabbing clothes for him. It's a warm day so I stuck to a pretty skirt and short sleeved t-shirt for him. He's very happy about it.

"Let's get you changed okay princess?" He giggled as I layed him down on the bed. "Such a good boy aren't you Lou bear. Daddy's good boy." He gave a big smile at the praise. "Oh there we go princess. Nappy's all done." He sat up and let me put the t-shirt over his head.

He got up and tried to run off.
"Hold on a minute baby, something's missing isn't it?" He stood and thought for a second before shaking his head and running out the room. I think my baby's being a bit rebellious today.

I followed after him and noticed he'd run through to the upstairs lounge. Already Niall was being pestered.
"Chocolate Ni-Ni? Pweeeese!" I stayed round the corner, out of sight so neither of them knew I was there.

"Sorry boo but your daddy wouldn't like that would he? Maybe if you're a good boy and eat all your breakfast. It's up to daddy though boo. Sorry." I'm very proud. Usually Niall would give in and give him some.

I carefully walked into the room and both boys looked over, seemingly hiding something.
"Come on baby, we need to finish getting you dressed then it's time for breakfast alright?" I crouched down in front of him on the sofa

"No daddy! Ni-Ni do it?" I looked over at Ni. He doesn't look bothered.
"I'd love to boo. Come on then, why don't we go find uncle Zaynie and uncle Li-Li too?" His eyes lit up at the mention of his other favourite uncles.

"Yeah yeah yeah! Bye daddy. Luvoo."
"Daddy's coming too boo. Can't let daddy feel left out now. He might get lonely without his pretty princess." I followed two laughing boys out of the lounge and back through to our bedroom.

Ni made quick work of picking up the skirt and pulling it up his legs. He got some cute little socks and helped get them onto his tiny feet.
"All finished boo. Let's go wake up those silly boys for breakfast yeah?" He didn't speak. Just simply nodded.

Again I followed them, this time through to the bedroom opposite ours. Two boys were curled up together on the bed. They look adorable. Too bad we're waking them up!

Lou climbed on the bed, with some help from me, and made his way over to the two boys. Ni climbed on too and started jumping on them, encouraging Lou to do the same.

"No! Niall go away. Let me have five more minutes." Liam groaned at the jumping Niall. I'm just staying back and watching. It's a funny sight. "Stop jumping Ni, I'm about to get-"
"Lou bear keep jumping!" Niall interrupted before Liam could finish that sentence. I'm thankful. Can't have my baby being corrupted.

"Good morning little one. Care to tell me why you woke me up?" Lou started giggling as Zayn sat up and started tickling him. I feel a bit left out now.

Actually I take that back. Niam are in the middle of a makeout session...
"Why don't we go get breakfast now baby. Liam, wait until we leave for goodness sake." They pulled apart, blush spreading across both their cheeks.

"Daddy! Food pweeese." I walked over and grabbed my baby before making a swift exit out the room. We carefully got down the stairs and I sat him in his booster to eat his food. A couple of the cooks brought it in and placed everything all round the table. I let Lou feed himself, remembering to give him a bib as I know how messy he gets.

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