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So for those of you that care, these are the notes and reminders I tried to follow throughout the story. Mainly just reminders though. Each chapter had a few notes at the start of each one to indicate what I was going to write but all of those got edited out before each chapter was published. Anyway, enjoy my confusing notes for the story that are a little all over the place.

Well to start off it happens for a week after his heat. It lasts 3 days after sex. If he is sick for no apparent reason it'll last for a day but being sick because of something doesn't cause it at all. Sometimes it can be triggered by getting too overwhelmed, like now. This lasts for around an hour."


Lou ran away from dad and dad was a dickhead


Headspace cause of big incident


Propose by the lake (near treehouse)


Niall babies born early


Zee propose to Li then Li and Zee propose to Ni


Niall preg with twins- alpha girl and beta boy (Rhea Leigh Malik and Samuel James Payne)


Lou preg with triplets - 2 boys and girl
Boys are alpha and beta and girl is omega


L+H kids (Tomlinson-Styles)
Honey Anne Stylinson omega 01/01
Luca William Stylinson alpha 01/01
Noah Edward Stylinson beta 01/01

Milo Charlie Stylinson omega 24/10
Ainsley Elizabeth Stylinson omega 24/10
Kenleigh Grace Stylinson beta 24/10


L+N+Z kids
Rhea Leigh Malik (-Payne) 16/11
Samuel James Payne (Malik-) 16/11

Ellie Jade Malik-Payne 30/08

Romey Luke Malik-Payne 14/04


10 years later
6 kids
All big and strong H&L 29
Luca - alpha 10
Noah - beta 10
Honey - omega 10
Milo - omega 9
Ainsley - omega 9
Kenleigh - beta 9
Lou preggo

N&L&Z 29
Rhea - 10 alpha
Samuel - 10 beta
Ellie - 8 omega
Romey - 5 omega

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