Chapter 16

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It's happening again. Who knew the dark vampires could cause us so much trouble. Simon and his vampire friends absolutely hate us. All because dad killed their very first leader. Simon's father. Ever since, he's had it out for our pack.

I don't even understand how Cowell let us into his school. It amazes me that he's let quite a lot of people into the school. The sunlight vampires, the rainbow pack (ours) and the golden pack all have problems with the dark vampires.


"This is it Eric. Your life is over" and in one fell swoop, I watched my father kill him with my very own eyes. My first ever hunt and this is what I witness.

"HOW COULD YOU!! Father! Father please! That's it Des!! I will destroy you. That son of yours well... just be very careful. I'm going to take him DOWN!!" My life was threatened. Are any more exciting things gonna happen on my first hunt?

"Don't bother Cowell. My son will never be killed by you. My son is strong and brave. He is an alpha, like me." That's the first time he's made that statement to anyone.
"B-bu-but he- he can't be! I was told he was omega. Nevertheless I will still kill him. Watch your back young one."

E N D   O F   F L A S H B A C K

I'm not prepared for Louis to be near the drama and the violence. I need to be there for the pack but I also need to be here for my Lou. I can't just up and leave when he needs me as much as everyone else does.

Last night was interesting for my Loubear. He had a nightmare multiple times throughout the night. For some reason that resulted in him waking up feeling a little bit bigger this morning.

"Dada, dink?" Were the first words i heard from him this morning. I cried! He didn't understand why I was crying but I sat and I cried for so long. My baby can speak to me again. He can say a few words again.


Ni and Liam walked in and came to sit with me and Lou in the lounge.
"Someone's looking happier than usual? Considering whats possibly happening soon thats quite unusual." Time to tell them the news.

"Liam, Niall... our Loubear spoke to me this morning!" The looks on their faces were a picture. Niall even started to cry.
"My little bugaboo got bigger? Like he's speaking now? Actual words? How much has the regression gone back?" Thats the thing, I couldn't work it out.

"I think maybe to 1 but im not too sure. 1 year olds can say dada but I dont know when babies really first start talking." Even if he's only 1 or if he's just 6 months, anything, its still a massive improvement. I just cannot wait for him to be back to our age and no longer regressed.


"Harry, they're here." Shit. Fucking shit. Im trying to spend time with my now possible one year old and of course Simon fucking shows up.
"I'll be there in 2 secs." I don't wanna leave Lou but I've got no choice.

"Ni, are you okay to-"
"On it Haz. Go do your thing. Stay safe Li-Li. I love you so much." He planted a kiss on Liams cheek before coming to take over with Lou.

Me and Liam made our way outside to join the other alphas and betas that were gathered around. And there in front of them all was Simon and his stupid little vampire friends.

"What are you doing here?" He stepped closer to me.
"I'm here to rip the shit out of you, once I'm done you'll be dead. No big alpha and no new luna, Styles. This pack will be finished with." Empty threats. He can't do shit. Everyone knows an alpha is stronger than any vampire to ever exist.

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