Chapter 15

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Harry sure has had his work cut out for him these past few weeks. Lou has been a very whingy baby and of course there's the demand of feeding. If I was in his position I really don't know if I'd have been able to cope. He's so strong for being able to get through this and we're all so proud of him.

Niall's been really good with them too, taking time out of his day to help Harry in caring for Lou. It's good practice for when he has our pup. Speaking of, we've got an appointment today that I can't wait for.

"Li babe, is Zayn gonna be able to make it to this one?" He was busy last time and couldn't come to the appointment with us. That was when we got told he was definitely pregnant and it's so upsetting that he couldn't make it to the appointment.

"He'll be back from helping Harry in a minute and we still have 20 minutes before we have to leave."
"Good cause I don't want him missing this one." Neither do I. It's annoying not having him with us all the time. Sometimes I question whether this relationship is really working out... then I remember how happy he makes me and Niall and think of all the positives.


Styles, where the fuck is he?

He's on his way Li. Don't stress x

Of course I'm gonna stress. Niall's about to start crying his eyes out if Zayn doesn't show up!

If I've timed this right he should be back in around 30 seconds x

I counted 30 seconds and surely enough Zayn walked through the door.

Thank fuck you're right Styles otherwise I would have beat your ass!

What would you do without me ;)

"I'm here! We can leave now. I wouldn't dare to miss another important appointment like this!" He best fucking not or else he'll have his dick chopped off!

"Zaynie I'm so glad you can come." Niall's crying even though he's here...
"Happy tears babe don't worry." He cuddled into Zayn and pulled me over with them. We had a massive group hug before finally realising we've got somewhere to be.


"Malik-Payne please?" The doctor called for us and we all walked in. Niall took his spot on the bed and me and Zayn sat in the chairs provided next to it. There's a screen above us so we'll be able to see the baby.

"Now it'll just feel a bit cold and-"
"I already know, please just let me see my babies!" I'm eager too but he needs to be told off for that.
"Niall apologise." Zayn beat me to it.
"Sorry ma'am."

"So this here is baby A, looking happy and healthy. This here is baby B, also looking healthy." Sorry what?!
"2 babies? There's... like there's more than one?" She nodded to us.
"So we're having twins?" All three of us began to cry.

After the tears managed to subside we settled down and got back to looking at our babies.
"Would you like to find out the genders? Their legs are open." I'm nodding already. The other two have both said yes as well.

"This one here I do believe is... a little boy. Oh so we've got- this is exciting. It's a little girl. You've got a girl and a boy. One will likely be an alpha." She can tell just by looking? "I can see from the structure of her body." A female alpha! Our baby girl is going to be a fucking alpha!

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