Chapter 18

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The appointment was booked for today. I need to take my boy to be checked. If I don't do it now I'll be too scared to ever do it. Needless to say I'm already scared for it.

The boys are sat in the lounge listening to music. I joined them while Lou was settled for a nap. I wanna ask if they can come with me for support but I'm a bit scared. For me this is a lot but to them this is like second Nature now. Niall's had so many appointments that they're all used to it.

"Boys I uuhh- I..."
"Whats up Haz?" Liam moved closer to me and they all made it obvious they were listening.
"I need to take him to the doctor at 1:45 and I was just- well I- I wanted to know if the three of you would come with me?" Its a long shot but fingers crossed they say yes.

"Of course we will Harry, anything for you and Lou. I hope my bugaboo is gonna be okay." Niall's right. After all this isn't about me. This is about Louis. He's the one that would have to carry the pup and deal with this for 9 months. He's the one that needs to be okay and healthy.


We arrived at the medical room, all 5 of us, and got some strange looks. The doctors and nurses all know that the boys are coming in with me and Lou.

Annie called us into the room and the five of us followed after her. I set Louis down onto the bed and stayed next to him, holding his hand.
"Its okay boobear, this nice lady is gonna put some cold stuff on your tummy and then we're gonna look at the inside of your tummy." Lou started to giggle.

"Das silly dada." It certainly sounds it. But in reality she's looking for babies in there. I can't wait to have a pup with my Lou, but I wish it could've waited until he was better again.

"So what leads you to believe he might be pregnant alpha?"
"Well you see Annie, his tummy is very firm at the moment and seems to be different." Niall quickly butt in.
"I also noticed that his scent has been off recently which as you know can sometimes mean the omega is carrying a pup." She gave us a couple nods and started placing the gell on his tummy.

She grabbed the thing that is placed on the belly that helps you look inside. Lou was wriggling a lot.
"Cold dada. Too cold."
"I know my baby, but soon we can see in your tummy." Annie started to move the machine and look over his tummy.

"Right here alpha. If you take a look on the screen you'll notice these here." She pointed to 3 round things on the screen. "Those are your pups." Multiple? I have more than one?!

"Now as you may be able to see alpha Styles, there's not just one. There is in fact 3 of them. Louis has got 3 of your pups in there. From the looks of things he seems to be about three months along already." Three months. Three whole months without knowing? I should've brought him in sooner.

Niall came over to comfort me while I was crying. He wrapped his arms around me and the tears poured out even quicker.
"Dada sad? Dada huggy?" Liam went to Lou to help him clean himself up and gave him a hug.

"Your dada is just sooo happy to have an amazing Loubear in his life. But Lou he's extra happy now cause he's gonna get more Loubears and they'll look just like you." Thats one way of saying it.

"No! I Lou-Lou. Dada no need more Lou-Lou." I think he's a little bit confused. I let go of Niall and grabbed Lou instead.
"This is gonna be a little confusing for you baby. You and me were a little bit naughty and we put something in your tummy. Loubear you've got something inside of you which is why there's gonna be more Loubears." I hope he understands.

We quickly thanked Annie and swiftly moved out of the Medical house. I need to take Lou to see a few people. This isn't how I wanted them to meet him or to find out but this is how it'll have to be. But first, the Tomlinson's household.

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