Chapter 10

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"Well look who finally decided to show up to school. If it isn't the one and only 5 seconds of summer." Harry called out to a small group of boys at the other end of the hall. They had just walked in and all eyes were on them.

I don't yet know who these boys are but I'm sure Harry'll introduce me soon enough.
"Well if it isn't the one and only alpha Styles. And his omega. Pleasure to meet you, our future luna." Each boy took a great opportunity in shaking my hand.

"Care to introduce me Hazzy? I don't know who these boys are." Harry looked almost shocked for a second before answering.
"Right this is Luke and this is Ashton. They're mates." Both blonde. One is slightly taller than the other. They're both very cute. I can tell who's alpha and who's omega.

"This here is Calum and Michael. Also mates. All 4 of them are wolves just like us. I'm sure you can tell from the accents they're not from around here. They're Australian.
"I don't know where that is but it sounds cool."

"You've never heard of Australia? Have you been living under a rock your entire life?" Wow.
"Pretty accurate. Basically yeah."
"Alpha, where on earth did you find this boy? In the forest or something?" Can they see the past?
"Pretty much yeah."

"Well alpha, you've chosen a good one. Nice to meet you future Luna." The one who's name is Ashton, I think, came over and pulled me into a hug. Omega for sure.

"Well since Harry hasn't done it yet I'll introduce myself. Hi, my name's Louis. It's very nice to meet you all." Ashton pulled me closer to him are started to whisper in my ear.
"Thankyou Louis. I'm glad he finally settled down with someone. He was going a little crazy without a mate."

"Ashton, leave the poor boy alone. And don't talk about the alpha behind his back." Ashton let go of me and walked back to I think Luke. They kissed so it must be.
"All good things Hazza, I promise."

"Where's Niam then?" I think it was Calum who asked. Maybe that was Mikey?
"Niall got a stiffy so they're having a quicky in the toilets." That's why they ran off so fast! And Harry couldn't tell me that because...?

"What's got you so frustrated baby boy. I can feel it." I shook my head.
"Nothing Hazza. Just thinking." He urged me to go on. "All good things. I promise it's nothing bad. Just plans I've got."


"Remind me why we decided to come today?" Ashton asked. I know his name for certain now. We've spoken quite a bit.
"Ash, we need to learn. Band practice is important but school is even more important." From what I've gathered, these boys attend school for just a few terms every year.

"Lou baby, do you need help reading this or do you know what it says?" This is A.B.O basics. There's never much reading involved and when there is I always have to ask Harry for help. "Read it out loud if you need to baby. Everyone else is."

"When an omega go- gos- goes into heat they prod- prod use- Hazzy?"
"Produce a sub- substance... This is too hard. I give up. Hazzy can you read it please. There's too many big words today." He looked at me sympathetically and started reading.

"Here we go Lou baby, what does this say?" He pointed to a fairly short word. It's a word I know all too well.
"What's the sentence?"
"If this happens the alpha and omega are mated." He gave me a small clap, along with Liam, Niall and Ashton.

"That was so good princess. You read the whole sentence without stuttering or without asking for help. I'm so proud of you baby!" I got squished into a group hug by all the boys surrounding me.

"Tomlinson, Styles, Payne, Horan, what are you doing? You four boys as well."
"Sorry sir, we just got very proud of Louis. He managed to say a sentence without stuttering or needing help." He shut up then.
"Well done Tomlinson. You're doing very well boy."

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