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For some reason this part unpublished itself so sorry for that...???

1 0 y e a r s l a t e r


"No Romey! You can't keep attaching yourself to Ken! Get off her leg!" I laughed as the youngest of the Malik-Payne's was forcefully removed from my own youngest.

"It's okay uncle Niall, he's cute so I don't mind it." Kenleigh is such a smart kid. And she's always so polite to everyone and looks after all those that are around her. Typical beta traits I suppose but she plays the role so well.

Ken and Noah are our two little smart ones. Having to be schooled from such a young age, its to be expected. The thing that we never expected was for the two of them to be like best friends. A lot of siblings row but these two might as well be joined at the hip.

Luca can sometimes be part of their trio but not always. He's our only alpha so far and sometimes feels left out. But when that happens I always know to spend some time with him and help make him feel better. Being an alpha myself he just rolls with it.

As for our omegas well, Honey is just like Louis. Our little sass monster and is a little quiet at times. Milo and Ainsley are both very loud and outgoing omegas, being two of the most popular kids in their school. All the alphas and omegas absolutely adore them.

Having 6 kids all near the same age is the difficult part. Our first set of triplets are all ten and our second set are all nine and nearly ten. They turn ten in October but the other three don't turn eleven after that for another two months. Some people question it and others don't.

Liam, Zayn and Niall were smarter than me and Lou, they waited a little longer before having their third eldest Ellie. And then it was even longer after that before they had Romey, their little boy. They've got two ten year olds, an eight year old and a five year old. That's a better mixture than what we have. But who says we're done? For all I know Lou might want some more. I know I do, and I'm pretty sure he does too.

"Seriously Romey, anyone would think you have a crush on our little Ken over here." Romey suddenly got shy at Lou's words and hid his face a little.
"Ooohhhh has my little baby got a crush. Well isn't that adorable." Niall started to tease the boy as he pulled him away from Ken.

"I've got another kid here who has a crush on someone, but she won't tell me who it is." Liam walked out with Rhea tucked under his arm.
"Cause its embarrassing dad! Why would I wanna tell you who it is?" She's got a point. Kids don't like talking about these things with their parents.

"What about me babe? Surely you wanna tell your mum about it?" Her eyes went wide and she shook her head.
"No thanks! Maybe papa might be the one to talk to- yeah papa." She suddenly dashed off back inside the house.

"Well I feel offended by that, my own daughter doesn't wanna talk to her mum about her crush. And here I was thinking I'd be the first to go to." Lou went over and fake comforted him. I'm so glad the two of them never lost their friendship. Even through the hassle of having so many kids.

"DAD!" Ainsley was running outside and straight to me. "I need to speak to you or mum about something- preferably mum but if you wanna listen too then you can I guess." Ainsley never needs to speak about anything. She keeps herself to herself and doesn't ask us about ANYTHING.


Ainsley pulled me by the arm and dragged me into the house. We went and sat down in the lounge on one of our brand new sofas. I don't know what it is but Ainsley looks scared.

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