Chapter 27

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We're starting with a different person this time woooo!! Less focus on Harry and Louis and more on Zialliam this chapter.


Me and Li have had an idea in our heads for a while now. We told Harry but chose not to let Lou in on it just yet. With him and Niall being best friends we can't risk it slipping out.

My plan is slightly different to Liam's however. We both have this joint idea on how we're gonna propose to Niall and its all really cute. But I dont want Liam feeling left out, so im gonna propose to him first, except Niall can't be around when I do it.

Harry plays a big role in this as he's gonna be a distraction for most of it. I'm Harry's beta so I'm able to get a lot of time alone with Harry. Liam and Harry are best friends so Harry's able to ask him to hang out without it seeming too weird.

Its all such a big and confusing plan so I really hope it goes right. Louis and Niall have to be really distracted in order for it to go well. And if we have to tell Louis we will. But not until the last minute.


"Haz, come on. We've got the meeting. Let's go!" Harry gave Lou a million more kisses before finally walking away and joining me. We walked out of the house and down and out to the car. The two of us got in and Harry drove off.

"So where are we going again?" He may not remember any of this but I certainly do.
"The place where I met Liam for the first time." It was such a special moment for me. We were only young but it was honestly so amazing getting to meet him.


"Hey Zee. Sorry I've got Liam with me today. Hope thats alright. We were hanging out and I completely forgot that I had to come see you tonight." I shrugged it off.
"Don't worry Harry, its all good. Nice to meet you Liam. I'm Harry's beta, but I'm sure he already told you that." Liam smiled and nodded.

"Its nice to meet you too Zayn. Harry's told me a lot about you." That surprised me a little.
"Likewise about you." The guy doesn't stop telling me what a great person Liam is whenever we're together.

"Uhhh I've umm- I've gotta go pee real quick- yeah- I'll be back in a sec." Harry then got up and walked off. I was left with the brown eyed boy in front of me. Now that I've got a good look at his face I've noticed how gorgeous he is. No wonder Harry says such good things about him, he seems lovely.


"Haz, you should know this place cause you were the one that chose it and brought us there." Me and Liam had realised later on that evening that Harry was setting us up. His toilet break was almost 20 minutes, then he suddenly had to go take a call for half an hour. It became clear to the both of us he was setting us up. But we didn't really mind because we both really liked each other, like a lot.

I pulled up to the little restaurant and parked in a space. We gathered the few small bits we had and walked in.
"Alpha, Zayn, so nice to see you both." This is a popular place for our important talks so it wasn't unusual that everyone knew us here.

"Your table is ready. Exactly the one that you requested." I wanted it to be the exact table we met at. Which also happened to be the same table we had our first date at, which was also where we had our first kiss. It was also the table we had our first talk about Niall at. Liam was so scared to tell me.


"Zee, I'm just so confused. I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt you but I dont want to hurt him either." I was scared about what news was going to come from his mouth.
"Just tell me Liam, I promise not to get mad." He took a deep breath and began.

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