Chapter 6

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T H I R D   P E R S O N

"Harry? Where's my alpha mate gone." Louis looked up at the words coming from the strange boy. He hadn't met the lad yet but he was happy for that. He was fairly tall with tan skin and dark hair. Louis couldn't tell if he was alpha or omega. That meant that he could possibly be a beta.

"Well what do we have here? Who has my alpha brought to his room? Hello there little one." Louis was in his headspace and felt very scared. He didn't know the man, therefore he also didn't trust him. He felt like calling out for his daddy but was too scared as for all he knew this man could be a murderer.

"It's okay little one, I won't hurt you. Now where's the alpha? I need to speak to him." Louis himself didn't know. He had just woken up when the lad walked in.
"Don' know sir." The lad almost laughed at the boy. He spoke in a baby voice and was very quiet. He couldn't tell if this was a young child or a grown boy.

"Harry! Mate what you doing? Where the fuck are you? I'm gonna sit with the omega. Hope that's okay?" At the sound of those words Harry stormed out of his bathroom.
"Can a guy not have a shit in piece?! And please leave Louis alone. He's sleeping." Looking over at Louis he noticed his opened eyes.

"Sorry baby, did Zayn wake you?" Louis nodded his head slowly. He didn't want to get the beta into trouble. "Zayn, please don't do that again. He's trying to rest. Go on Lou bear, go back to sleep." Harry moved to be sat next to his Louis.
"Otay daddy." Since yesterday he had slipped even deeper into his headpsace.

H A R R Y (Struggling to write in third person as I'm used to 1st)

I can't believe Zayn woke him up! I was trying to let him get some much needed rest after his little episode last night. He woke up with a really bad nightmare and couldn't sleep for a couple hours. I need the sleep too but I'm an alpha, I can last a while without sleeping.

"What are you here for Zee?" He sat down on the end of the bed.
"I just wanted to warn you that the vampires from across town are visiting soon. They want to ask you some favours. Not sure what they are but it's important apparently." Just great. So fucking great!

"Can't they wait a few months. I've got some things to deal with. For instance I need to go shopping soon. Fuck Zee, what do you buy for a toddler?" I can tell Zayn didn't understand the question.
"Well uhhh... Toys? Clothes maybe? I dont know." He's useless. Absolutely useless!

"I'll just wait until Lou's up. He'll know what he wants for himself. He can have free reign of online shopping." I let out a quiet laugh at Zayn's face. He seems quite shocked.
"Lou... He's not a toddler?"
"No, he's not. He's our age Zee. But he's gone into his little headspace." I'm surprised he didn't notice when Lou called me daddy.


"Daddy! Daddy! Hellooo daddy! Want dada! Daddyyyy!" Louis just would not stop moaning. I'm fed up of hearing it, Liam's fed up of hearing it and my god Niall was fed up the first time he even said it!

"Louis if you don't stop that whining right now I'm going to spank your bottom. Do you want that?" He shut his mouth and shook his head, keeping it down.

The only reason I'm not responding to him is because I'm in the middle of a conversation with Liam.
"Why don't you follow Niall's example and be a good boy by being quiet?" He once again nodded silently.

"Daddy... Daddy. Daddy!" I let out a calm but shaky breath.
"That's it. Here Louis. Now!" He scrambled over to be sat in front of me.

"I do not tolerate whining like that! You will not whine again you hear me?" he nodded quickly. "Now after that little scene I want you over my lap." He climbed back onto the bed and led down over my legs. I put one leg over the back of his so he couldn't get away.

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