Chapter 20

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Quick question before the chapter starts... do people like the story cover or should I change it?? L x



Zayn came back today to grab some things for the new babies. We still don't know their names yet but fingers crossed we'll find out soon.

Liam and Niall have given him a short break to take some time to rest. They've all been taking it in turns to have rest days. Except Niall's rest days stay in the hospital.

He's too scared to leave them alone. He doesnt want to go away in case anything else happens to them. He also decided last minute that he wanted to breast feed them both. We all kinda think it's just because he wants that chance to hold them. Even though its just for a short while he needs that time with the two of them.

"Come on Zayn, you need to sit down alright. You're here now so you've got your chance to relax a little." He finally came and sat down with me and Lou. "Plus I think someone would like some much needed and much missed cuddles." That put a smile on his face.

"Come here my little Loubear! Uncle Zaynie has missed your squishes!" Zayn grabbed him to pull him onto his lap from mine. "Someone's getting a bit heavy?" That would be the extra food he's eating and the fact that he's got 3 babies growing inside of him.

"I'm so proud of you for all the eating you've done though Lou. And I know your uncle Li-Li and uncle Ni-Ni would be so proud of you too." Lou's happy and smiling.
"Uncle Ni-Ni okay? I miss him sooooo much!" I miss him too. We've not been able to see him in weeks. Its been quite hard on Lou.


"So guys, you can now have extra visitors if you so wish to do so. Of course we can't have too many people in here as we don't want to disturb the babies if we can help it." I might finally be able to see Harry and Louis again. I miss my best friend.

Our little Rhea is doing so well now. She's the spitting image of Zayn. Then we have Sammy who looks so much like Liam. Although they both definitely have my nose. And Sam seriously has my appetite. Both my babies are just gorgeous.

I've been feeling a little off lately but I didn't really wanna say anything to either of the boys through fear. All of this has just got me feeling so crappy. It could be post natal depression but I wouldn't know for certain.

"Ni, come on. Please can you just talk to me for a while. Its just you and me here. I know how much you struggle to talk to Zayn about things. So you can open up with me." I want to tell him but I'm scared of what he'll say.

"Promise me you'll never leave me. Please. I dont want to lose you. Or Zee. I can't lose you." Liam came over and sat right next to me, pulling me into him.
"I promise baby. Now tell me what's been going on."

"I just feel as though- well I feel like my body has failed me. Failed all of us. I had the job of carrying the two of them for 9 months and I couldn't even get past 7. Why the fuck is that- sorry for swearing." He looks as though he doesn't even care that I swore.

"I feel as though you and Zayn won't love me as much anymore and won't want to look at my body the same way you both used to. I've got stretch marks now and flappy skin. But then there's also the scar that I'm gonna have for life. I wish it would go away. The two of you probably think I'm so stupid for all of this. Probably the biggest mistakes you made. I'm sorry for failing you both. I'm sorry for making you have to deal with me and having to deal with all this. You shouldn't have to be going through this but because of me you are." I can't stop myself from crying.

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